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Everything posted by ggdad1951

  1. Rebuilt the door check arm area on both doors: replaced the broken/missing keeper section and re-enforced the area with another plate of steel. Cleaned up the rear doors and prepped for skin addition.
  2. Here are some pics if they help. Looks like I need to dust under the dash! passenger side over glove box center under the cowl vent looking towards the driver side heater distro
  3. Final PIN in this is the trailer frame sold and Brad bought the bed sides for his project and I couldn't be happier they are going back on a truck project!
  4. I used a "hose" with a plastic spriral support in it that allowed SOME stretch to go over the metal bits. I believe (memory hazy) parts spec'd for Packards.
  5. Routing the ducting is just point to point under the dash as "tight" as you can. My heater distro box has the two vent lines runing straight up so it is a direct line almost to the pass side and then up on over to the diver side. I can get pics later if you still want to see.
  6. Yah, basically you don't have to worry about a wire bundle when the door opens and closes. Even in modern cars you get that bulky bundle. And yah, no power while open, but who opens/closes a windo with the door open (not me at least) and the power locks being disengaged also makes it less likely to lock the keys in.
  7. Rear door skins made and power block holes put in for rear door.
  8. no one repops, so repair or buy off the normal websites.
  9. truth right there! I TRY to let things go, and a few weekends ago I had to get pretty agressive to get a semi to stop being a jerk. Driving down I35 I pass a semi on the left and pull back over, plenty of room, start to creep up on a car ahead and a car passing me on the left, so when clear I use my signal and pull into the passing lane, semi had pulled over as well, but I had MORE than enough room to pop over and pass (2 or 3 car lenghts). He didn't like, hammered it down flashing his lights and flipping me off the whole time and up against my bumper. So while I was doing 73 (in a 65) I suddenly am doing 81 or so, and he's riding me flashing his lights and flipping me off. So as we pull next to a semi in the left lane I slow to that semi's speed and let him sit. I then speed up and pass that semi and he rides me still, cuts to the right lane and starts being aggressive. So I speed up (he does as well) and then hit the brakes having him overshoot me and now I'm behind him. He now "wins" and goes on his merry way dropping back down to 75 or so, I then pass him as I take the next exit ramp and think: he risks is CDL because he didn't like someone legally and safely executing a passing manuever. People like that should not have a CDL driving a death machine because they get offended by someone doing things they think are wrong and get agressive.
  10. if I remember right the LH is drivers side.....IF!
  11. My vote: "customized". No reason a 53 would be different than a 52
  12. Check for R or L threads in the eyelets before you mount. Beyond that install and enjoy.
  13. One quart already seeped into the floor! The Young Ed memorial oil patch! ?
  14. The parts manual will have it, mine it out in my shop rigth now, but if you have one you can look it up. If you don't have one, I advise a Shop Manual and a Parts Manual to have on hand. Both are readily available from multiple sources.
  15. I'm gonna collect all the dripping oil and sell it for 1000's!
  16. FEF's snow bird buddies
  17. Cast iron CAN be tricky. You can get lucky (IMHO) with a repair: welding old cast iron is a art form, especially with parts that go through extreme heat cycles. Try a repair fist and look for a replacement just in case is what I'd do.
  18. I rebuilt(d) my own with kits. Really not that hard.
  19. Looking good Brad! Glad those sides are helping you vs. sitting in my shop for 10 more years! It was good visitng and putting a face to the profile!
  20. I applaud the work on your press tool. But I kinda see what happened to you. Such a small area on a press will deform the metal in that are and you end up with edge effects (leaving marks, ripples, etc.)? Might be better to dismount the dies and hand work the shape slowly as you "float" along the edge, gradually bringing it back to shape, instead of brute force 2" at a time?
  21. You need an old COE with a Cummins 5.9 dropping in it I think!
  22. Thanks, she's a good kitty, just making sure she gets all the treats she wants in her time left on this earth. Might be 3 weeks, might be another year...just keeping her in a good place.
  23. Move in day yesterday! FEF will get moved around a bit yet as his winter housemantes move in.
  24. No kitty door...too easily racoon door! Plus sadly seems Puma might have cancer so...we will not likely have her in Spring But 20 years is a good run for a grey kitty!
  25. You pay for it, I'll do it. I done spending!
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