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Everything posted by insaneradio

  1. I like your sense of humour:) Remings me of a a joke I heard years ago. A cop pulls over this elderly gentlemen and with a panic in his voice yells. "Sir, did you not realize your wife fell out of your car four miles back!!" He replies, "Oh thank God! I thought I went deaf!" Dave
  2. Several things can cause clutch chattering when starting from a stop. As others had mentioned a glazed or damaged flywheel. It is possible, as in my case a previous owner ran on a badly worn clutch plate and wore grooved in the flywheel. It may need top be resurfaced. Plus worn engine mounts. I just recently replace the rear mounts and resurfaced my flywheel for the identical problem. Very smooth now. Good luck with it. Keep us posted. Dave
  3. Anyone have a pic of a P-15 stock mirror?? I am curious. Dave
  4. Good Evening. After studying the schematic I find this set operates the field coil to the original speaker from the 6 volt supply to the set. This is a BIG plus for the new permanent magnet speaker option. We will not utilize this brown wire going to your plug just the blue and the braided wire. Simply connect the Blue wire to one terminal on your speaker and the braided wire to the other terminal on your speaker and tell me what you think!! Keep in mind this is set up for a 4 ohm impedance speaker. I am presently experimenting with this and have been pleased thus far. I prefer the original speaker but sometimes it is not an option. Dave
  5. Congrats KJ!! It is a great feeling getting one up and running that had not for so many years. My hats off to you young man! Look forward to further pictures. Dave
  6. Welcome! Here are a couple of pics that may help clarify things a little. Dave
  7. They look GREAT!!
  8. For a short time!! Dave
  9. Evening Bob, If your sons friend does not come through I would gladly offer my services to repair the sets. Just thought I would make the offer. Thanks, Dave
  10. One word--- WOW!! Dave
  11. Yes, I would be happy to. PM sent. Thanks for the kind words. Dave
  12. FRANKIE47, Sounds like WAY too much work when a good sealant bead around the plug and the hole will surfice. Good luck with yours, Dave
  13. A simple answer is yes, install it. There is nothing to to gain by not having one. They are simple to install and it will prevent you from overloading the wires to your horn ring on your column. A wire which has too much current flowing through it can melt insulation or burn cloth wiring. It is simple piece of mind. Dave
  14. Yes, it is strange how some are far more rusted then others. I too noticed that. As for why---your guess is as good as mine! Dave
  15. I am in awe with anyone that has the ability to repair a vehicle such as this. I never would have thought it was repairable considering the condition of the floor!! My hats off to you!! I look forward to more repair in progress pictures! Dave
  16. I just recently changed the one behind my flywheel. It honestly looked very good. I did have two leaking which necessitated all being replaced. After physically removing and inspecting the flywheel plug I am convinced it would have lasted my lifetime! It seems there is a ledge on the bottom of most of the lower plugs which seems to collect setiment. However the upper plug did not seem to have the same setiment. Maybe the coolant is moving more rapidly there or maybe it all washes to the bootom of the cooling jacket. Well anyway I think you will be okay----lets pray! Dave
  17. Good suggestion. Judging by your pictures you had two leaking. It would be a good idea to change them all. The one behind the flywheel is a a real pain to get to however. Glad to hear you got her up and running! Dave
  18. I could not agree more. With 6 volt batteries the battery cables are of the utmost importance. The 12 volt variety simply will be inadequate. When you half the voltage you double the current. The 12 volt cables are far too small to work in our application. Congrats on your fix!! I bet you have gone out and started it more than once!! Dave
  19. Absolutely beautiful!! Your attention to detail is most evident. The approval is unanimous! Dave
  20. All honesty I am unsure if or when I would get out your way. Seems there is always something keeping me here. If I do get out in your kneck of the woods I will let you know. Thanks for the invite for the ride! Dave
  21. Glad to hear it Joe!! Does this mean when I get to Va I can get a ride in your car! I have family that live out near Langley AFB. I often talk about going out that way for a vacation. The only reason I new that was I did the EXACT same thing about 15 years ago. If I remember right I was able to remove my cover and clean the gasket and reinstall gasket with a rubber sealant and it has worked this long! Dave
  22. Need I say more---- Dave
  23. I wish I could be of more help but if I recall the clearance from the top of the pump rotor and top cover is rather critical. If too large oil press will not build. Did you install the correct gasket?? I like your idea of installing a direct reading gauge. I just think it is definately something with the gasket installation being you had good press prior to. Good Luck. Keep us all posted. Dave
  24. Glad to know I am not the only one. Dave
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