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Everything posted by insaneradio

  1. I believe you may have been correct ! I dropped the tank this evening and found dirt in tank. The inside of tank is shiny and appears rust free. When I drained the last of the gas the dirt appeared to come with it. I will flush tank tomorrow and reinstall. Thank you again! I will keep you posted!
  2. Interesting thought. I will look into that. Thx
  3. God evening, My P-15 quit while driving. Thankfully it was when I was pulling in my driveway!! Engine would crank just fine. It would fire if I poured fuel down the carb, yet would quit as soon as my "prime" had gone. I disconnected the fuel line into carburetor and had the wife crank----nothing came out of fuel line. I had thought ---bad fuel pump[. I checked and I had one in my "stash". I chose to let it cool down and replace after dinner. After dinner it started just fine. The car has sat for probably 1.5 hours. The outside temp has been 95 degrees the past few weeks. I have driven the car three times a week to work etc without any difficulty. This same thing happened two years ago. Only that time it quit going down the road. I do NOT have a heat shield on the pump. I had never needed on previously. My fuel line to carb is at least 3" from exhaust manifold. Could a fuel pump be ---flaky? Or in your opinion does it seem as though vapor lock is the culprit? I just remebered on last fill up I used 92 octane instead of my regular 86. Could that be a factor? Thank you gents!
  4. That is okay!??
  5. Could you please post a picture of your switch??
  6. I would be interested in more pictures after you get her off the trailer! What motor is in it?
  7. Thank you. I must commend you!!! Rarely do I find someone who know the calling of the Lions club!
  8. I found a identical spare switch in my "stash". I disassembled to inspect the internal contacts and construction. There is no way this particular switch, being the way it is configured could ever be anything but an "on" and "off" switch. Referencing the picture the rear most spring contact on the switch arm remains stationary. The lever moves the forward most spring contact between the two fixed contact points. One of the fixed contact points is unused, there is no screw terminal to this contact point. Whereas the other fixed contact point does connect to a screw terminal. Bottom line-----In my application it simply turns dash lights on or off----no dimming.?
  9. I pulled my switch. It appears to be a simple two position switch. Could they have had different options?
  10. I am going to remove my switch and check!
  11. Interesting thread. My car is all original and operates as the manual describes. I hope Don chimes back in with additional info from the master!
  12. I certainly do not wish to be augmentative Don but after checking a few things I believe you may be mistaken. I removed my switch and found no resistive component to its operation, in which there would have to be if it operated as you described. I then went and read my vehicle owners manual/ It simply states "on" and "off", which is how mine operates. If you could find documentation that states otherwiswes I would be very interested!!
  13. Looks very nice! If I had a girlfriend and was forced to hide things---it would be her in the trunk!??
  14. Fantastic! I think it "completes" the whole package. I am surprised they approved a reproduction! Good for you! FWIW. At one time I had a stack of Louisiana plates from WWII that were, I was told, made from sugar cane pulp. All brand new in wrappers never issued. I sold then probably 15 years ago.
  15. Interesting Don!! I am aware of switch, however mine simply turns dash light on or off. All these years I thought the purpose of the switch was just that----an on and off switch. So you say it is a dimmer switch!!! I never new!! I will have to investigate further!! Thank you!!
  16. I have been dissastified using the original type 55 bulbs in the dash. I opted to use type 63. They only draw an additional 20mA each but provide over twice the candlepower. I even went one step further and purchased one of these to try. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Plymouth-1946-1947-1948-extra-bright-tail-light-bulb-63-replacement-6-volt-63/161410757417?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 I changed the left bulb and have ordered another to replace the 63 in the right position. I am very satisfied! It worked VERY well ! One can definitely see the color change of the speedo as you accelerate!!
  17. The visor is made by a company called Vision Visor from Chicago Ill. I have found no information about the company. Maybe another member can shed some light?? Oh yea----the "doilies" are an accent from my ex-mother in-la. Sadly she has passed.
  18. Yes, the 6 volt sysem works well if properly maintained. My vehicle starts almost immediately when starter button pushed. Glad to hear yours is now operating well. !!
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