God evening,
My P-15 quit while driving. Thankfully it was when I was pulling in my driveway!! Engine would crank just fine. It would fire if I poured fuel down the carb, yet would quit as soon as my "prime" had gone. I disconnected the fuel line into carburetor and had the wife crank----nothing came out of fuel line. I had thought ---bad fuel pump[. I checked and I had one in my "stash". I chose to let it cool down and replace after dinner. After dinner it started just fine. The car has sat for probably 1.5 hours.
The outside temp has been 95 degrees the past few weeks. I have driven the car three times a week to work etc without any difficulty. This same thing happened two years ago. Only that time it quit going down the road. I do NOT have a heat shield on the pump. I had never needed on previously. My fuel line to carb is at least 3" from exhaust manifold.
Could a fuel pump be ---flaky? Or in your opinion does it seem as though vapor lock is the culprit? I just remebered on last fill up I used 92 octane instead of my regular 86. Could that be a factor?
Thank you gents!