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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Until the bottom dropped out of the economy here I was a home designer/building contractor. This was the last one I built when the doldrums set in. Been twiddling my thumbs for 2 years now. I'm going to go ahead and retire next summer at 62.
  2. I have a used working stock temp gauge. $75 + shipping. PM me if interested. Love that patina !
  3. I haven't seen what you call bullying here. A few have run out of patience a time or two but that's about it. This is one of the best forums going.
  4. Here's a beautiful '49.
  5. I really like the two tone and the stainless around the base of the windshield. I want one.
  6. Ya mean like this ?
  7. It appears that the back 2 ,or at least the 3rd one back,has the one piece windshield. Edit....Never mind. Got my better pair of glasses and now I see a windshield divider on all 4.
  8. And here's one in Grass Valley in '08. You don't suppose all the money he collected in previous years went into the restoration.
  9. The back 2 are 54's and the other 2 are earlier.
  10. I see no one would own up to driving the International.
  11. I used plumbers goop once and the instant I bent over to tighten the bolts a large crack appeared.
  12. Judging from all the Dodge trucks with the split windshields and that Plymouth under the Smith sign I would say it's 1953. In 1954 the Dodge trucks went to a 1 piece windshield.
  13. Wow ! That sounds like a fun trip. I'd like to do that in my 42 Coupe sometime soon. The rust in your block is normal unless it gets like this.
  14. I hope your helper got a cold one too !
  15. A wiring harness from YnZ's or Rhode Island is going to cost in the neighborhood of $600 and probably that much more to have it installed. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm allergic to hot lead.
  16. http://www.flickr.com/photos/24796741@N05/sets/72157604247242338/show/with/2346008881/ Is this it ?
  17. I wonder if baking soda would work in a Speed Blaster ?
  18. Yeah man. That's some fine workmanship there and probably indicative of the rest of the rig.
  19. Look for the engine number on the drivers side of the block just above the front freeze plug and just below the head. Post that number here and we'll id it for you.
  20. Thanks Greg and Don. It's done. He was a great guy.
  21. Wow ! Talk about the need for ARMSTRONG STEERING.
  22. Don, John was very generous when he insisted in giving me some parts for my 49 Dodge. He would not accept payment from me for those parts. I would like to send his wife $50 for them now. How would I go about that? Reg
  23. OK, I won't waste space or time here giving an answer then cause I know you were just bing a cut up and besides I'm really too busy right now to give and answer to your question.
  24. Don't forget to re torque your head Jon.
  25. A lot of folks here say that Champion plugs are not good. I am one of them. I have had mis-fire and hard starting problems with them even when new and only use AC plugs now.
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