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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Need one for my 49 Suburban. Like the one pictured below. I could also use some 49 Plymouth bumper bolts. Have dollars to trade. Thanks.
  2. Charles, Am I correct in assuming you looked into having the re-pops made in stamped steel. I know nothing about casting but just wondered if they could be cast in aluminum,fiberglass,abs plastic or some other material for less.....or at lease in smaller numbers.
  3. Ditto from Northern California !
  4. Great......now ,for the linkage.
  5. Man !!! That's a lot of the white stuff. I can see that mountain from my place which is only at the 2200' elevation. Here's a photo of the first day of spring here in 2006. This global warming has gotta stop. And then another photo of a Big Bird that came to visit my yard right around Thanksgiving. Guess who came to dinner;)
  6. I found this NOS 2 bbl carb on eBay today. The listing says it's for a 50's Dodge or Plymouth 6. It looks like the photo you posted Ed. Sure hope so.
  7. Guess I got lucky when I hit the "Buy It Now" button on a beautifully rechromed front bumper for my 49 Suburban for only $180 last month. Shipping was only $19.00 too !!!! What a deal.
  8. Hey thanks Dan. Do you have the number for the 56 Plymouth 2 bbl car by chance?
  9. Another thing about the granny gear in my 52 1/2 ton 4 speed. I should have mentioned that it is very difficult to pull it out of 1st to shift into 2nd. It doesn't want to come out of 1st until you have slowed down quite a bit. I'm not sure if it's just mine or if they are all that way. I don't think any rear end ration would help that.
  10. I have a 3.0 gear ratio in my 52 1/2 ton with the stock 4 speed syncro. I can travel much faster with this rearend but I still don't use granny low because it's still too low for normal driving.
  11. It cleaned up rite nice Bobby !!!!
  12. OK John...maybe next time then. Get Stronger soon !
  13. John, I'm about 3.5 hours northeast of Ben Lomand. Stop by on your way down. Reg
  14. We almost had a white Christmas. Missed it by 3 days.
  15. I have this problem with all my 6 volt flatties. They all seem to suffer from DCS (dry carb syndrome) Whether Stromberg or Carter....they all seem to go dry after a couple of days so instead of cranking the starter excessively I prime the carb with a squirt of gas. Once the float bowls refill the accelerator pumps work fine. I'm going to install elec. fuel pumps one a dees days.
  16. Here's my 38. Not sure who the guy is I caught trying to get the hood ornament though.
  17. You got the real McCoy carb ???? What's the number so I can look for one?!?!?!?!? I've never re jetted a carb. How would I find out what jet to use?
  18. Ed, Here's the carb. It's a Carter B & B. The tag hanging off the thing has # 2896S with 02 under that. Cast into the float bowl is # 0-1383 I got the carb off the Bay and don't know what engine it's meant for. I do have 2 of the 2 bbl intakes. I might trade one for the real McCoy 56 Plym carb.
  19. If that doesn't work out I have some NOS 48-50 gauges I'd sell or a gauge cluster from a 54-56. The 54-56 gauges are the same as 48-58 except for the temp gauge. It requires an electrical sending unit.
  20. Ed, I did the Rube Goldberg thing and used two 2 to 1 bbl adapters so the 2 bbl carb would face the right way on my 2 bbl intake. The stock linkage worked well but the carb did not. I think the 2 bbl carb was squirting too much gas cause there was a real flat spot upon hitting the gas pedal. Maybe I could have it re jetted. I gave up on that carb and put a single stromberg carb on an upside down 2 to 1 adapter so I could get it to the muffler shop. It runs very well this way but what a waste of the 2 bbl intake.
  21. That's a good question. Has anyone here done a time trial or performance test before and after a dual exhaust,carb.or head milling installation? I didn't with this car because I was also installing a fresher engine along with the other mods.
  22. Yes...Thanks Bob. Now if I could only view the CD.
  23. My muffler man is out of town so I can't ask him yet but I was wondering if a cross over might help on mine. The sound is almost like a jake brake sound only higher pitched.
  24. Thanks for the photo Don. My exhaust guy did it differently than yours in that he put smaller (18" long) Magnaflow mufflers farther back right before the tail pipes go up and over the rear axle. He used 2" pipe all the way and did very nice work however I do not like the sound at certain rpm's. It sounds good at idle and up to about 1000rpm but after that it suddenly breaks out into a horrible very annoying staccato sound and makes this sound whenever there is a load on the engine. On the freeway at cruising speed that sound is there full time. CRAP !!!! I don't like it !!! Where'd it go wrong?
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