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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Thanks Don I tried it and would post the results if I didn't have to rush off to the Hospital burn unit now.
  2. Here's a photo of the choke on my 35 Dodge. Note the red wire leading to the manual switch on the starter motor. Hey....no wonder this car never got a heater. The head was never drilled for a heater outlet. I've had this car for 5 years and never noticed that before.
  3. Both my 35 and 38 Dodges came from the factory with automatic chokes. Here's a photo of the 38 sales brochure touting the money you will save.
  4. It's 50-55 with studs and nuts and 65-70 with head bolts.
  5. 65 to 70 lbs. Work your way out from the center. Re check after running engine up to operating temperature.
  6. I'll give you $1500 for it if you can land it in my driveway here in Northern California.
  7. Hang on...OK,I get it now.....it's because it's a glass domed sediment bowl rather than the more common under slung glass bowl.
  8. If you scroll down past the felt one,on the auction I posted,you will see a rubber one for the 40-41 with bound edges. It should look like that one only shaped differently for your 47. I got the impression they aimed to please ,so that they could add more mats to their inventory. They made one out of rubber right away and now have added it to their site. I'm going to have them make a rubber mat for my 38 and 42 coupes as soon as I get off my posterior and send them pattern I will make out of heavy paper.
  9. Yes...good ,and deceptive.
  10. You beat me to it. I was gonna say to inject the bars with liquid ex-lax and follow that trail.
  11. Hey Ed or anyone else. What does the steel line from the auto choke attach to?
  12. Looking Good Steve !
  13. I found these folks on eBay when they were only selling the felt mat for my 40 Plymouth. I asked if they could make one out of rubber with bound edges and they did for not much more than the felt one. They are selling the rubber one now. I also asked if they could make other years for me and they said yes, just send them a paper pattern. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140195163084&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=004
  14. This is funny http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1940-1950-1960-AC-DOMED-FUEL-FILTER-32-FORD-GM-MOPAR_W0QQitemZ350013886297QQihZ022QQcategoryZ10076QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. 110 cc's. stands 31" at the seat.
  16. Yes Ed. I just went out and felt under there and found a notch a few incles long by about ~1/4" deep.
  17. You can do it Ed !!! I know ya can !!! Have ya tried heat and PB Blaster ?
  18. I believe ya Don. I also heard that's why the dance "The Jerk" was invented.
  19. If a guy wanted to listen to his 602 or 610T back in the day while parked how would he do so without an ACC position?
  20. I've had a few of these that wouldn't clamp down tightly without the gasket on top of the carb. You can make one from a piece of cardboard or inner tube if that's the case.
  21. Brad, These are on eBay quite often. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/6-Volt-Fog-Lamp-Light-Switch-Chevrolet-Pontiac-Plymouth_W0QQitemZ280189809362QQihZ018QQcategoryZ33709QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem And another with a BUY IT NOW of $13.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/6-Volt-Fog-Lamp-Light-Switch-Vintage-Auto-Automobile_W0QQitemZ220189349447QQihZ012QQcategoryZ140736QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  22. Well....I hope Derk didn't use flat head specs on the 51 Chevy too.
  23. Thanks Tim, I Googled 37 DeSoto and this photo came up of a 37 DeSoto bumper. It looks like these bolt heads are too oval for the 49 Plym. Picky aren't I.
  24. That's sure is one strong work bench Don.
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