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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Thanks Jerry. Man, did you luck out. Here's one on eBay now and it's missing a vital part. #140209627188
  2. I've tried to block out the memory cause I paid over $300 for mine.
  3. I need a mat for my 35 Dodge Sedan,38 Dodge Coupe and 49 Suburban. Sign me up ! Reg Evans 530-272-6079
  4. Nice engine compartment. I like that John Deere green color scheme. Got any more photos?
  5. Ignorance was bliss. Now I know I'm missing the spacer and extension pin for mine. What's the purpose of those two parts?
  6. As mentioned on the car side find some 16"ers and get a tall tire. I have some 750 x 16" tubeless radials on my Coupe and they measure 31.5" tall. Those will get ya going a mile a minute with a comfortable RPM of 2390.
  7. I dig that orange and black combo !
  8. Speaking of Valiants and slant 6's, I have added to my fleet in the last couple of weeks. First came a 64 Valiant 2 door w/pushbutton auto and just a few days ago a 61 Town Wagon with a slant 6 and 4 on the floor. They were both offered for sale so cheaply that I couldn't resist. $1500 locally for the Valiant that drives perfectly and the 61 Town Panel for only $1250 on eBay. The Town Wagon is also a driver ! These are the first / 6 vehicles that I have ever owned.
  9. I'll have a look at my 49 and post a photo later today. That is if my lower back cooperates.
  10. That is SAD. Those poor Dodges are surrounded by fords.
  11. Sounds like a good deal for both of you !
  12. I haven't been able to do anything about the exhaust system yet. It snowed here for a couple of days,my muffler man went on vacation and then my back took a vacation too for a couple of weeks. I'm finally able to move around again so maybe I can get something done with it this coming week.
  13. Hey Tim....that reminds me......My older brother who owned a red 48 Pontiac vert with a straight 8 was always pissed when his best friend who owned a 50 Plymouth fastback would pull away from him around town and especially on hills. This was back in 1959. He finally got even and in 61 bought a 53 Corvette.
  14. Here's a 2 tone ....copper n cream.
  15. Jim, Have you seen this thread on the car side?http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=7874 Reg
  16. Oh....and lets not forget that exciting Old West novel entitled ....Black Trail In The Desert ....... written by D. Iarrhea Dan.
  17. My moneys on seat belt anchor locations and imprints.
  18. If both the 47 and 51 engines are Dodge the 47 is rated at 102 h.p. and the 51 is rated at 103h.p. Bore and stroke is the same so it must be a slight difference in compression ratio.
  19. You'll be SHOCKED at how well these electric wipers work Merle
  20. Yup, I took mine off a few months back for an adjustment. It did require lots of genuflecting while swearing though.
  21. Darn....since you are really only 13 years old I guess you can't drive it yet
  22. Take this little quiz to find out. http://www.embedtube.com/uploads/33101407Realage.swf
  23. I think you're on to something there Pete. Thanks. I'm going to have him move the mufflers closer to the front and install a crossover. If that doesn't fix it I guess I'll just have to kill him.
  24. He can measure the stroke of the engine by removing the little plug over #6 and measuring the stroke. 4.5" for a 251 abd 4.75" for a 265.
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