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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. GET OUT QUICK !!! Before you get rear ended.
  2. Yes, it's either worn out or ready to go. Drop the shaft and open up those Detroit joints. If you caught it in time they may just need some grease. Is your differential toped off ?
  3. If the truck is a 1/2 or 3/4 ton and the engine is original to the truck the engine will be a 218. If it's a 1 ton it will be a 230.
  4. I know what ya mean Jon. My 35 Dodge still has it's original interior and the odor reminds me of my parents 46 Ford sedan when I was a little kid. Ouch though...I remember taking naps on the back floor of that car on long trips and waking up with a sore cheek from the hogs hair carpeting.
  5. Fernando, Nós respondemos a sua pergunta para você? Trabalho bonito no velocímetro!
  6. Fernando, I've never seen a flat head 6 cylinder engine that had the mounting holes for the fuel pump lined up. The top hole is always closer to the front than the bottom hole. I just checked a 218, a 230, a 241, and a 251. All the holes are at the same "not lined up" arrangement. Reg
  7. It had been very warm,dry and windy for more than a week up here in the gold country until last night. It's been raining on and off now for about 24 hours. It's a good thing I suppose cause it has put a damper on the fire danger for a while. Sure screwed up my out door plans though. End of weather report.
  8. Fernando, Yes, I installed a Chrysler 251 in my truck. There aren't any disadvantages to running this engine unless more horse power is a disadvantage. Your engine being an industrial engine might have a non vacuum advanced distributor. If so,you would want to find a dist. with a vacuum advance.
  9. Now that is really really cool Dutch !!!! Thanks !!!! Can you arch the black paint around the gas tank filler area in a semi circle kinda like the tirquoise truck above and maybe the very top of the cab at the seam above the back window.
  10. Well Norm.... There have been a few times when I've transferred all the crap from my rear end to my face and I still couldn't find what I was looking for. Oh God !.....Did I say That.
  11. I had a similar experience with a new set of shoes on an existing drum. Couldn't get the drum back over the new shoes. I ended up belt sanding the shoes evenly until the drum would go back on. It worked fine.
  12. Myth or Fact I heard many years ago that on our rear ends you couldn't determine the gear ratio by jacking the car up and turning a wheel around 1 revolution while counting the revolutions of the drive shaft. What I heard was that you needed to slowly roll the vehicle on the ground,one wheel revolution, while counting the drive shaft revs. Maybe this is so for some differentials and not others. I don't know for sure. Anybody?
  13. I wonder how the "Spring Special" treatment would look with the black on the fenders and doors. Wish I knew how to use photo shop so I could see how my truck would look. I like the layout of the turquoise truck above better than the original spring special layout.
  14. Here are a couple of 2 tone trucks that look much nicer than the red and white one. I've been thinking of changing Ole Yeller to a black and armour yellow two tone and renaming him Yellow Jacket for my second childhood.
  15. Hummmmm....25K + 5K repaint. Would have looked better like this.
  16. My brother bought this one about 10 years ago and the piece of crap is still blasting away. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=93608 This cheap pos has been working for me for a couple of years now http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=41108
  17. Google Harbor Freight and Northern Tool and Supply.
  18. I don't like the new rule that sellers can't leave feedback for buyers. I had 1 buyer that lied to me twice about when the payment was sent. I'd check with him once a week and he'd say "the checks in the mail" The payment finally arrived yesterday (almost 1 month after COE) post marked 2 weeks after the first lie. Bogositous Behavior in my book.
  19. Nice one ! Very clean. Do you think that was the original paint? Yeah.....eBay is fun ! Plus I need $ right now so I'm shifting the tide from buying to selling. Too many projects. I'll be selling 2 more of these suburbans soon together in 1 auction. Buy 2 and make 1 good one.
  20. Mine sure did:eek: . It went from 880 transactions and 100% to 1029 w/99.3%. Seems today was the day for feedback changes. I have 1 neutral feedback from a twerp that said I didn't have a valid title on a panel truck I sold. My auction clearly stated that I had done everything to put it in my name but have the truck weighed and that the buyer would probably have to do that depending on what state they lived in. Oh well.
  21. Missed 4. Too much carbon monoxide.
  22. Actually Don, I was sandblasting in the nude when Lisa came out and yelled OH GOD.....PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON ! Look what the flying sand has done to your body. You're having an allergic reaction.....You're all swelled up. She was right and even though this happened a few years ago the swelling still hasn't gone down much.
  23. It's a very good thing we're not into vintage aircraft eh ?
  24. Sure thing Tony. The carbs are mounted 9 7/8" c. to c.
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