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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. She loves to travel so I'm sure we can work something out. $$$$.$$
  2. I'm working on replacing the tailgate on this truck Ed. The original tailgate is torn in the center on both edges. Don't tell Lisa but a found an ever better one on eBay the next day for only $60.00.
  3. The show was put on at the fair grounds by the local hot rod club Roamin Angles. Of the 800 cars there I spotted about 20 MoPars. Here are some of them with a few other brands thrown in. The panel truck was amazing. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v154/olddodges1/Roamin%20Angles%20Show%202009/ I also couldn't resist this 49 Dodge for $250 with frozen 230. I did come with a title. Will probably sell or part out soon. Anybody want all or part?
  4. I got a little sandblasting done over the weekend. I took the photo. My wife Lisa did the blasting. Eat your hearts out boys.
  5. I used this stuff about 18 months ago on my Langdon cast iron headers. Here's how it looked after a couple of hours of use Here's how they look today after about 18 months. Rust has started so I would say that "Jet Coating" is the only way to go. I sent another set out to these guys but haven't installed them yet so I can't really report on the durability of this process.
  6. Thanks Tod. Thanks James, I did know that part of it. I just didn't know how to get to the list of #1,2,3 etc. posters.
  7. Where do you find these stats?
  8. That's a cryin shame. I went to his yard about 10 years ago and was amazed at how he treated us parts hunters with respect unlike some other yards I've been to. Nice Man. Fire sucks !
  9. Very simple. Two screws and it's off.....maybe a little keeper on the arm that advances the points. Easier on the bench though. Just pop the cap off and mark where the rotor is pointing so you can put it back in correctly. While it's out set the points and check the wires and connections.
  10. And you could go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Might be able to see some old Stingrays or old gar fish.
  11. Here's the lens and bezel on my 52. And here's the one on my 58 Sweptside. Looks like about 1/2" difference in the c. to c. measurement for the mounting screws. Is the one on the right in your photo a one piece lens made of plastic? If so it's a reproduction.
  12. Spot welds would be the best. Bolts will show from the outside. I guess you could try it without any kind of attachment and see what happens but I think the spot welds do help in the rigidity of the whole box.
  13. Oh Good, Slowness loves company. I don't get it either.
  14. I like to tell them that I'm busy right now but if they give me their home # I'll call back tonight.
  15. Have you checked the wire inside your distributer yet ? If the insulation is frayed or the wire is worn your problem could be cause buy it. It's the black wire in this photo top right. You can also test to see if your vac. adv. is leaking by sucking on your vac. line from the carb end of the line and plugging it with your tongue. If the vacuum holds it's OK.
  16. A T245 is a 230 from an M-37,M-42,M-43,V-41 military 4 x 4's
  17. John, 2 of them will be on their way today. Would you PM me with your email addy for UPS. Thanks.
  18. John, If these are what you need I have 1 with your name on it. Just need your address.
  19. Yeah,if the engine is truely the original one it is a 241 Poly or Semi-Hemi. I don't see anywhere that the truck is in primer.
  20. Yes, it does ,but the extension cord will be a lot more money. I was gonna make a joke about throwing the cord in on the deal if you only drive as far as Norm's Coupe does but I have changed my mind so I won't.
  21. Atta Boy Mike ! Welcome aboard.
  22. I think he means it could use a new paint job. I see some rock chips and the lower edge of the drivers rear fender could use some work.
  23. Come on LOTTERY ! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300344688463&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en
  24. Oh yes Dave, I think those went back to the great melting pot in the sky. Take your pick of any of these for $20 ea. ,or see below. Or any of these for $30 ea.
  25. A D30 engine is a 49 Dodge Coronet 230 rated at 103 hp. Don't know about the trans adapter.
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