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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Dan, It would be helpful for us if you added what year truck you have for us to see in your profile. I went back to some of your earlier posts to find out that you have a 53. The 51-53 knobs and escutcheons look like these on my truck.
  2. You are right Rem. Good eye ! They were 49 caps that were found on road dead and only 10 years old at the time. The build budget was $0.00. Hey....I guess I was in to recycling before recycling was cool. Anybody else have a picture of their first ride ?
  3. I did notice the soap box derby wheels. Mine had them too but I couldn't find a gold helmet to match. I traded my bicycle for those wheels cause they had real ball bearings in them. WOW !!! Notice the compartment at the front of the coaster. I made that to hold red bricks for added weight so it would go faster down hill.
  4. Oh Cool ! I've heard of barrel racing but I always thought it involved horses Didn't know it could be done this way Thanks Jim and Tod
  5. Thanks John. I really like the two tone paint jobs on these trucks.
  6. Jim, the link didn't work. Try again.
  7. Hey....maybe that's when the term "I stuck the landing" got started.
  8. Rich, what would the hp and ci ratings be on that DeSoto engine. Sure would have been welcome under my 38 Dodge coupe hood.
  9. Really, really, really nice ! I just looked at your profile photo of your 53 and wondered what colors your two tone truck is. Would you post a color photo here for us all to see ? Thanks, Reg
  10. I agree Robert. I would always choose a nice original with some bolt on mods over a hot rod. Sure hope he's not putting a 350 chivy in that DeSoto coupe.
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1939-DESOTO-MOTOR-AND-3SPD-W-OD_W0QQitemZ170388086479QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item27abebdecf&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 I also wish I could spell closer.
  12. Nope but I'm curious too.
  13. Haven't heard anything. I'd like one for my 49 Suburban.
  14. Here are some of the Ford nut caps Norm mentioned installed on the 251 in my 52 1/2 ton.
  15. So Bob, was that made from a 4 dr. sedan ?
  16. OK....here is all of Ole Yeller. And here are some more Yeller Pilot Houses that attended last years second annual BBQ at Tim Estradas ranch in Clements, Calif..
  17. You are correct Greg. It's at a cabin my daughter and son in law rented last season up at about the 6000' elevation near the Boreal Ridge Ski Resort. That's our red Durango in the foreground. Glad we didn't drive the 59 Sierra Wagon. That snow fall occurred over the first night ( Christmas Eve) and then all over again again the next day. It's pretty but you wouldn't want to live there. Bah Humbug.
  18. Hey....I was gonna say the same thing.
  19. Yeah Greg, us left coasters are kinda girly men when it comes to that good old mountain dew.
  20. Here's mine with an ash tray and a cigarette lighter. The inner flat area around the tray and lighter should be painted to match the speedo and gauge faces. The optional radio was a MoPar model 610 T but that's another story. Forgive the dangling wires. I'm working on them.
  21. With a name like that it must be.
  22. Good information Jeff. Thanks for posting.
  23. What are you looking for Dave ?
  24. It didn't sell Ed. Several people wanted parts from it but I can't see doing that to the car. Yeah.......maybe I could put the six from the truck in it if the one in there now doesn't free up.
  25. Thanks Dutch, Yup,Older Yeller sold. I still have Old Yeller though so I'm not too sad . The new owner is coming from Santa Clara in about a week to pick it up. He says he doesn't want the flattie so I am pulling it before he gets here.
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