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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. If you don't want to make your own harness try these folks. http://www.riwire.com/ or these. http://www.ynzyesterdaysparts.com/
  2. They are a little different than my 42 Dodge D22 too.
  3. I agree ! Nice truck. I can't really tell if your truck is listing to the drivers side in your photo because the left rear tire is off the driveway and onto the grass but mine was doing the same thing that Dave's was. I cured most of the listing by installing the spare on the passenger side and probably more importantly I went on a diet and lost a little over 30 pounds of pork
  4. Jeff, Here are a couple of photos posted by KJ's Dodge of his dual horn setup. Reg Here are some I think I still have.
  5. I wonder if the 39-47 Dodge truck group should be informed too. We need more Dodges represented in movies !
  6. Gee Willikers....the seller should add those photos and more to his listing. 2 photos doesn't give a potential buyer enough to go on.
  7. I does look like a good solid 3/4 ton. His description says it runs and drives. I wonder how it does that with the fuel line disconnected?
  8. The car hauler reminds me of the one I saw in front of a museum in Montana back in Sept of 08.
  9. A familiar color. Same as Elbert,my early 49.
  10. Where do you live ?
  11. I just changed one using a medium sized crescent wrench but a 1" socket works too.
  12. What tonage rating is it ? Any photos ?
  13. It looks like a different one Bob.
  14. That's a beautiful job !!!
  15. I haven't seen the movie yet but I'm dieing to. I'll keep an eye out for the truck.
  16. Hi Glenn, Glad your car is back home now and progress is being made again. Any chance of us continuing on with the 42 Dodge front bumper thing ? Thanks, Reg
  17. Hi again Glenn, Still looking for a 42 Dodge front bumper,a decent speedo. and inside door trim. Thanks, Reg
  18. Oh thanks.....the riddle has been solved.
  19. Looks like you landed another......... nice catch !
  20. Huh ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160377564694&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  21. Are you looking for buckets to replace the bench seat or is your truck missing the bench seat. Just curious.
  22. It's art Tim ! http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/art-cars-explained-or-not/
  23. It looks like the correct fender to me. 48-52 fenders will work.
  24. That's been my experience too GTK.
  25. That looks right Tim. The cross member looked the same for the L6 as it did for the V8 If I'm remembering correctly. It was moved back toward the firewall for the 8's though cause they were shorter than the 6's. I discovered that the hard way once during an engine transplant in a 1960 1/2 ton.
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