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Don Jordan

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Everything posted by Don Jordan

  1. I found a pix of me in high school next to our 60 Plymouth wagon - but that was in the old days when they used film. Remember film? So I don't know how to get it into cyberspace.
  2. I feel so at home here because there are guys that have done things just as stooopid as me. Put in new rod bearings and put all the rod caps on backwards. It didn't want to turn over so me the genius I am had a friend pull the car. It fired right up and spun all the bearings and ruined the crank. Yet another lesson learned - the hard way. ruth you are among friends - we know your pain.
  3. I have a collection of old news papers. Not only were cars cheap but you could get an apartment in San Francisco for $14 a week. Of course minimum wage was about .15 quick story: 100 years ago you could get a 3 piece suit for a $20 gold piece. Today you can get a 3 piece suit for the same $20 gold piece.
  4. I don't know what the big deal is. When in doubt do as California does and print IOUs. I mean really - how hard can that be? Many of us had parents that went through the depression - we've been down before we'll make it again. Of course it was WWII that got us out of that depression...
  5. You guys are truly impressive. I'm still trying to figure out how to set the clock on my VCR.
  6. I own a piece of property in a place called Green Valley (CA). There is a city ordnance that you can not cut down the oak trees. There are some perfectly good plots of land that are useless because there is an oak tree right in the middle of the property. Living out in the desert we treasure the trees and the shade they provide.
  7. this might be a little off topic but it's a story. My father told me that as a kid during the depression (the big one) he used to catch rats. The city (San Francisco) would pay a .25 bounty on them. Don't know if he was kidding or not but I think it was true.
  8. TIVO!! That's the ticket. My wife programs it so it records ABC, NBC, and local news. When I get home I do my chores, fix dinner and watch the news going through the commercials, sports, and fluff pieces. I can usually watch 90 minutes of news in 60 minutes or less. My wife falls asleep watching a show so she watches it again the next night. I've seen the ending of some shows 3 or 4 times. But the TIVO is worth it. (I think there are other names and services)
  9. point taken
  10. Brought tears to my eyes. It's nice to see others have empathy for creatures no matter how annoying they might be. I would have done the same thing. I probably would have fed it first. It seems funny I feel sad for poor animals who are just following their instincts yet I have trouble feeling anything for some people who should be stuck to a board and thrown into the freezing lake. You made my day - thanks for sharing that.
  11. Okay - here's a pix of the wheel. and a question. The guy asked me if I wanted it painted black or brown. I told him black because I wasn't sure brown would go with the blue. Any ideas or suggestions. It just seems like you can't go wrong with basic black. Unless you're a purest and it must be brown.
  12. It's not easy being stupid. A couple years ago I saw a steering wheel on the bay and it was listed as a 48 Plymouth. I knew some day I was going to have to replace mine so I bid on it. It's been sitting in my garage for years. It finally came time for restoration - I took it in to the restoration guy and he identified it as a 51!!! You gotta be kidding me. So I rushed home and yanked the wheel off my car. He said he could restore it - $250. So now I've got what I think is a 51 wheel. I'll try to get a picture. Anybody need one?
  13. My wife has two cats but they wouldn't eat anything unless it was grilled to perfection. The dogs just chase rabbits. I think I'll wrap some Irish Spring in Downey with a little peanut butter. A little off topic. I used to have a collection of newspapers going back to 1915. Mice got in my sealed up shed and chewed them all to pieces. I had a history book from 1888. It was about 4" thick. They burrowed into the book and hollowed out the center. Great nest. We had some bird food in a plastic drum. They chewed through the bottom. They are industrious.
  14. I had never thought about this before but I'm a little nervous now. I just had my car upholstered and now I'm worrying about 'things' taking up residence. It's not like it's a daily driver and after a few weeks in the garage I don't know what could get in. When I bought the car it had been in the desert for many years and there was rat poop all over. And I have another car sitting outside. It's going to be a while until I get to it and now it's on my mind. Any ideas? I don't know how they get it but I know they do.
  15. Usually I wait until after I've done something stupid before asking - this time I thought I'd ask first before doing something stupid. I've spent a lot of money on my car to the point that now I'm being overly critical. I found a guy near me that restores steering wheels for $250. Mine has some cracks in the usual places and the black has lost its shine. I know it's a silly thing - it won't make the car go any faster... it's just a nice touch.
  16. I need a little help here. The chrome piece/light on the trunk is that supposed to have a rubber gasket under it? I can't find one in the Steele catalog. On the hood medallion is that supposed to have a gasket? Again I scoured the Steele catalog and came up short. It's down to all the little things. I hope it's okay but I'm going to have more questions. They just keep popping up.
  17. Yes this helps. I think I will do as suggested and put a switch on the pump and go through the mechanical pump. If one dies I always have the other. thank you
  18. Both my cars have electric fuel pumps - I just like them. While I should have been thinking about something else I just had a thought. All by myself with no prompting I had a thought. Should I take out the mechanical fuel pump? Will it hurt anything just running? I've had no problems to date. Just checking. This is why I'm not allowed to have very many thoughts.
  19. Sometimes when everyone is out to get you paranoia is not a bad thing.
  20. I've got everything ready - now I've got to find the springs. If anyone is still reading this thread: another question: you know the piece of chrome on the garnish molding? I have 2 that have 4 posts and 2 holes for screws - 2 just have the 4 posts. What holds them on. All this was apart when I got the car. I'm going to check the parts book to see what they say but it's weird there are two different configurations.
  21. I know I'm probably running out of my question quota ... but just one more: I'm now doing all the little petty things. The big stuff is finished. Is there some where I can buy the little pins for the door handles? I have used nails, cotter pins but there has to be a better way. thanks
  22. Boy do I feel silly. I was out with my wife today, we were at Target. I asked one of the guys if he knew about California Duster - he looked at me like I was an idiot (of course many do) and lead me to the Auto Dept. Got some of those dust towels that feel weird when you touch them. Got a CA Duster for the car and a little one for my wife's car. They are pretty cool. So I went out in the garage and dusted. The house is a mess but the car is clean. I also got a car cover for $25. It was sort of a general size - it fits my 2 door perfectly. You guys are so helpful. BTW: way off topic. One of the down sides to an electric fuel pump is when the battery goes dead. I thought once I got it started the generator would take over so I bumped it down the drive way. Whoops. I've been playing musical batteries all day - if it was easy everybody would do it.
  23. Norm - I just went to the web site - they have all sorts of stuff. Thanks for the lead. What I'm looking for now is a hermetically sealed garage. You know the kind - the one that keeps rats and dust out. After all my car is the Princess.
  24. You're preaching to the choir... At least when they do it they do everything and it's done right. When I do it I usually drop a nut down the intake or put the rod caps on backwards. The deal is I've got to first set aside some money - little at a time. It's true: times are tough. thanks
  25. I got my Plymouth in 02. The engine was fried. It had been sitting in the desert for about 25 years. The engine wouldn't even turn over so rather than waste my time I just took it to a machine shop and had it done. New valves, pistons (30 over), all the bells and whistles. $1500. Seemed fair - and it runs like it must have when it was brand new. Moving on. I have a 47 Sedan. It's running rough. Compression about 65 pounds. Lots of smoke, lack of power - the usual. So I called up the machine shop and asked for a ball park figure on the same treatment. $2800. What's going on here? I'm going to take the head off first - I may get away with rings but I doubt it. This is a 60 year old virgin engine. $2800 - that's more than the car cost new.
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