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Don Jordan

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Everything posted by Don Jordan

  1. I don't know what you guys are whining about. Last week end it was so cold I had to wear a long sleeve shirt.
  2. As ye sow so shall ye reap. It was my pleasure - I do that sort of stuff to bank karma points.
  3. I do feel silly - I thought it was '41. thanks I guess I'll see if there is anyone on the bay that wants it.
  4. I've been snooping around in my garage and I keep finding things. Anybody know what year this is? Pictures aren't that great but you get the idea.
  5. I am learning so much about the difference between coupes, sedans, 2 door and 4 door. So here's the question I have a 2 door sedan - the doors are bigger than the 4 door. I got some chrome pieces for the garnish molding. They are all the same size. Problem is 2 of the pieces have a threaded hole and 2 don't. Before I have them polished are these going to fit my 4 door? 2 of them have a number 1151788 on one side and a Z3 x1 on the other side. The ones without the hole have a number C 7131-a I hope this helps. My car is almost together and now I'm sweating the small stuff.
  6. I did it. I went to Disneyland. At my age with my knees I'm only good for about 3 hours of walking. But I did make some observations: There was some sort of cheer leading competition. I have never seen so many little girls in costume all in one place. Every time you think there is too much hate in the world just look at these pure little smiling faces. Some times I have a rather jaundiced view of kids. Today I saw a lot of laughing, parents and kids bonding, being together. You know some times (I know this is off the charts) some times my faith is renewed in man kind. Disneyland is a little too "Mary Poppins" but it will do until Monday when reality sets in. I really enjoy this forum. It lifts my spirits. Not only venting but reading other people's vents and I am able to have such empathy.
  7. I try to stay out of these threads - most people already have their minds made up but I feel the need to jump in on the merit pay. I teach in Los Angeles County Court Schools. All my students are incarcerated. Many did not go to school in the outs. In our camp of about 100 kids the average reading level is 5th grade. When the kids take the standardized test they are usually finished bubbling in the answer sheet before I finish reading the instructions. THEY DON'T CARE! I spend 40% of my class time with behavior problems. I have kids say to my face, "F**k you you punk ass bit*h." I send them out of the room but nothing happens, no consequences. Probation is afraid of the kids because of DOJ (Department of Justice) who makes arbitrary rules without even being in the class. There are so many "child advocates" and they are doing the kids no favors. Most of you remember "old school" where we got our hands slapped with rulers. Where we respected other people's property and feelings. These guys don't. I'm annoyed that I'm going to be judged the same as a teacher at Beverly Hills High. I've said too much - I think I'm going to Disneyland.
  8. Thank you for the info... what I usually do is forget where I saw the instructions and never get the information. Today I printed out what you wrote so I can put it in a safe place so I won't be able to find it when I'm ready to put the glass in.
  9. I thought I saw that picture on a 1948 brochure - only give away is the moon decal on the window -
  10. Okay this might seem like a silly question but are all the frames chrome? I've been trying to restore a pair and they were painted. I sanded the paint off and it's just metal. I had planned to paint them black. great idea on the inner tube - remember the days when you could get a tube in your tire? (and retreads)? I guess I'll have to use a bicycle tube - that should work. is there a way to find a thread on this forum? By time time I get to my window this thread will have moved - I'm sure there is a way but I've not learned to navigate this forum as well as I should.
  11. I don't know what the big deal is - If California were a country it would be the 13th in production (don't know if that's true but I'm spreading the myth). I've heard California is one of the largest rice producers in the world. Marijuana is probably one our largest cash crops - and we rank 48th in education.
  12. I'm impressed you were able to get the money from the school district. The best I could do for my class was to get a 3.5 hp Briggs and Straton. It's sad what "they" are doing to the school system. I teach an after school program on small gas engines to kids who have little chance of graduating from high school because of their lack of interest, drugs, gangs - whatever. The powers that be want them to be taught literature that they don't have the vocabulary for, math/algebra that they don't have the skills for and then they wonder why the kids lose interest and drop out. When I was in high school I took wood shop, auto shop, metal shop - everyone is in favor of education no one wants to pay for it. Sorry - don't mean to rant. I really enjoy Leno's videos. I guess if I had more money than God I'd have a big garage too.
  13. I did like the choices SMS sent. It appears there are at least 3 choices to be made. Headliner, seats, door panels. Different shades. I want to do it right. The upholstery guy said he thought SMS was a little high but until I get something from Lebaron I don't have anything to compare to. The seats that were in the car were brown - but since I've painted the car blue I was thinking of going with a lighter gray. Looking at the swatches gave me chills trying to project it out. I guess I'll give Lebaron a few more days. I feel like a little kid a week before Christmas.
  14. Does anyone have a lead on upholstery suppliers? I got some swatches from (I forgot) 3 letters SHM or something like that. I called Lebaron but it's been weeks and they have not sent the requested samples. I was looking on the net but can't find anything. Hampton Coach does only Chevys. I am so close to being finished - thanks
  15. I remember my grandmother telling me when they had their house in San Francisco back in the 20s they took out all the stained glass (leaded) windows and tossed them. If you had stained glass it meant you had an "old house." I was in an antique store the other day and they wanted $1200 for a little window and frame. A little off topic: I hate going into an ANTIQUE store and see stuff that I had when I was a kid. While we're remembering things: did anyone have a 'fanner 50', Daisey, put bubble gun cards in the spokes of your bicycle, or balloons? Following the ice man around on your bicycle because he would give you chips. We had a milk man (also delivered eggs and cottage cheese, cream). And I delivered papers - on foot. And collected money at the end of the month. Spin and Marty? Circus Boy? Sky King? Rin Tin Tin? Anyone remember NOT having a TV? Sorry - got carried away. I can't remember the meeting I had yesterday but I can remember all the words to the "Purple People Eater.":D how sad that life is wasted on the young.
  16. Just thought I'd add my unsolicited 2 cents. One of the great things about Rat Rods is the owners sell a bunch of really useful stuff. It's sad about the cars though. It's sort of like an organ donor - you are dieing of being chopped and another car that's going to live will carry on your memory in a door handle, piece of stainless, radio ... I'm tearing up
  17. Wow - finally I can answer a question: Restoration Specialties 814 467 9842 www.restorationspecialties.com
  18. I'll bet you guys will be glad when I finish my car so you don't have to put up with these silly questions. here goes:Restoration Specialties catalog lists "Unbeaded glass run Channels" and "Stainless steel beaded Channels" WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? In their on line catalog (page 11) they list Y630P and Y526 Stainless steel (Page 8) beaded glass runs 3-A-1 (pg 10) 5-R the only difference (and my math is horrid) is about 1/16" But that's enough to not fit. any suggestions? I'm almost done guys -
  19. I'm in a bit of a hurry now so let me do this quickly I just took the car to the upholstery shop - didn't realize there would be so many questions. I don't think it came with mohair and all I want is original. The seats were brown but they are so faded I don't know what color brown. Is there some where I can get a swatch to match the color? I don't mean to brag but if you don't mind I thought I'd drop a few pictures I'm happy with it (all the grief aside). Still missing stuff but I'm getting closer.
  20. Gentlemen, Thank you for all the leads. I'm on it. I actually took the day off from work to make calls and try to round stuff up. Yes - I know the trim has to be installed before the upholstery - the guy has so much to do (carpet, headliner) I hoping to round up all the stuff before he gets to it. I've heard some negative things about Bernbaum but right now I'm not going to be picky. on a side note: The body guy was going to charge me $300 to paint the wheels - I called around today and found I can have them sand blasted and powder coated for $200. Problem: they can't guarantee an exact color match. I should have bought a boat - I don't think they cost as much.
  21. Don - I can't believe you have a picture for every occasion. Remember when you took a picture and had to have the film processed - back in the old days re: the tail light. (Speaking of pictures) it's pretty bad. It would have to be re chromed. I've also included a picture of my car. You can see the stainless piece I'm missing and I can't seem to find the right clips to hold it on. Restoration (I keep forgetting their name) has clips but I'm afraid to order for fear of getting the wrong ones. I sure hope I'm going to be able to look back on this and laugh some day. It's going to the upholsters Saturday.
  22. Mr Ed where does it say that? - I'm looking - it's a little dirty - got the old magnifying glass for these tired eyes - Well isn't that something - the stuff you lean on this forum. Looking very close I see the word coupe in raised letters. Boogers One of the problems with that is I have a sedan. it's okay though because it needed to be rechromed any way. Usually I spend the money on the chrome before I find out it's the wrong one. If you had one you'd be willing to part with I could use it.
  23. It's just starting to sneak up on me. I hope someone can give me an answer or two. I called Steele for the inside the door window channel - they don't have it. I went on to the Restoration web site. Page 12 they have it but I don't know which one. When I took the car in after 25 years in the desert the channel was gone, rotten. The catalog gives several measurements (naturally I don't have it in front of me) and I don't want to order the wrong stuff. also - I hate to ask 2 questions in the same post but I have a tail light - the chrome piece with the glass. The one I have is straight the one it needs has to have a curve - what's up with that? I'm sorry to be a pest but I'm so close to completion and it's driving me nuts.
  24. I have a 47 2 door and a 48 4 door.
  25. /The moldings over the rear fender/1/4 panel. I've got some pictures - but it's 6 in the morning and I'm not awake yet.
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