Several years ago, a lady friend asked me to take care of her dog as she was gone a lot and her grandparents' farmhouse yard was infested with fleas and the grandparents would not allow an exterminator on their property. I reluctantly agreed with some provisions to keep her honest, and Roper was penned up in my backyard for the next 2+ yrs, where I trained him to mind his manners and obey simple commands, something my lady friend was amazed to see when she would occasionally visit. I'd even take him for a ride on occasion 😃
She eventually took him back to her grandparents (long story) then I heard through the grapevine that she blamed me for his disappearance a few months later...he was a friendly dog that liked to explore while living in the country, and she had removed his collar cuz he was scratching so much cuz of the fleas again. More than likely, he got bored and had wandered up to the road tracking some varmint as he would often do, and some passerby probably stopped to talk to him and he just hopped into their buggy and rode off into the sunset, happy as a clam to get the attention cuz she was still gone a lot and the grandparents had mobility issues so they did not want to get tripped up as he could still be rambunctious with his high energy and bottomless pit of emotional needs
I've had a few dogs before and since, all rescues, none get along well with cats, so no felines on the place except for the occasional polecat. I've had a few other lady friends with cats, and they have been amazed at how their cats warm up to me cuz they think that I am just a dog person. Especially the aloof female-friendly cats...on more than one occasion, I've had cats known to hide from strangers up and hop onto my lap to give me the judgmental look, then sit a spell while i pet them, which would be a complete surprise to witnesses, cuz them cats don't really like anybody. I recently had one talk to me on the phone during an evening hey-how-ya-doin call, which had my friend rofl cuz apparently me and her Buster speak the same language 😁
The current backyard resident has been tasked with keeping away the mountain lions and unicorns...I helped Mom pick up Willow from the shelter in late '19, as my folks had recently lost 2 dogs in a span of a few weeks (rattlesnake bite got Cooper, UPS truck got Bailey), and Belle was gettin up in years...unfortunately, Willow and Belle do not get along, apparently as loveable as both are, there is only room for one of them on their hill. So after almost a year of trying to get them to live in peace, I was asked to take care of Willow as them 2 had been snapping at each other a little too vigorously as winter was approaching. As before, I taught her a few manners and she eventually learned how to swim...she gets really intelligent and disciplined when I bring home the occasional brisket fat or bbq rib bones