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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. GTK may be at the Annual Meeting of The Golden State Region of the POC in Santa Maria, CA this weekend. Dennis:cool:
  2. Then Norm could buy my wife's 56 Chevy, We would make him, such a deal. LOL Dennis:D
  3. Ouch! I so sorry that your Plymouth got wrecked, but I'm so glad that you are OK. It looks like you will need a front clip. Dennis:(
  4. I think it was both. Here is a link to the Thread. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=4653 Dennis:cool:
  5. We had a member here who had plans on how to make one. But I don't remember who it was. Then we had another member who was selling LED light kits. That was Frank M. Dennis:cool:
  6. From what I understand that was a Dealer Installed or After Market item. Dennis:cool:
  7. FRANKIE47, This show is held the same weekend every year it is the weekend before the Route 66 Rendezvous, We have 6-7 car shows here every year and the same amount of shows in the Victorville area. If you contact me before you come thru I can see if there is a show in the area, or we can get togeather for a cup of java. Dennis:cool: http://www.route66museum.org/index.html http://www.califrt66museum.org/events.html http://www.angelfire.com/ca7/justcruisin4fun/
  8. Here is a link to hotrodhotline.com and some photos I took at the 10th Annual Main Street USA Run in Barstow, California, put on by the ‘Saturday Night Cruisers’ of Barstow, CA. This run was held in downtown Barstow on Old Route 66 (Main Street) on September 13, 2008. Dennis http://www.hotrodhotline.com/feature/2008show/08mainstreetdennis/ Here are 2 cars that were entered in the show. A 1919 Studebaker Hot Rod. 1949 Plymouth Stock.
  9. I got mine at my local Kragen Auto. Dennis
  10. Welcome to the FORUM. Where are you located? Nice looking car. Dennis:cool:
  11. Got up at 5 am, did the 3 S's, went down to the resturant had breakfast, (Steak & Eggs Special $5.99) spent about an hour on the one armed bandit (lost $10. then quit), then checked out of our room and drove home from Las Vegas (2 hour drive). I just finished unloading and turned on the computer and the TV for the NASCAR Race. Dennis:eek:
  12. It was nice today it was only 105 here today with 13% Humidity. Dennis:D
  13. I had asked about him about a month ago. I hope he is ok. Dennis
  14. tred, Welcome to the FORUM. I'll be at the new Kids Rule in Vegas this Saturday for our grandson's 5th birthday, so our time will be spent with him on this trip. Our son and his family live in Vegas in the area of the 95 & Cheyenne. We should be back in November. We live just 2 hours away in Barstow. Dennis:cool:
  15. When we pulled my engine out of my P15 we droped the trans first then the engine came out without too many problems. The main problem was that we were too lazy to remove the hood. Dennis:D
  16. Looks like you two had a great time. What is the sign in the window? Dennis:cool:
  17. When I try to look at the photos I get the following message. Dennis Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
  18. Welcome back Joe. You can check with The Plymouth Doctor they list door bottoms for a 49. Dennis:cool: http://www.plymouthdoctor.com/images/automobile/49parts.pdf
  19. I do pay Ca registration fees on 8 vehicles. Dennis:D
  20. New tags already? Man your fast. Is that your own private lake? Dennis:D
  21. That painting looks great, but tell the guy in front of it to move so we can see all of it. LOL Happy Early Birthday. Dennis:D
  22. Thanks for the update. I was wondering about his trip when we got rain this afternoon. Dennis
  23. Have a safe trip and check in as soon as possible. Dennis:cool:
  24. Way to go, Congrats. Dennis:D
  25. With the trunk so full of speakers where would you put the ice chest, chairs, suit case, and/or cleaning supplies? That is one nice looking 49, I like it too. Dennis:eek:
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