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About JerryinTx

  • Birthday 05/31/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Conroe, Texas
  • Interests
    Old cars, woodworking, gardening, flying, grilling, eating
  • My Project Cars
    1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe


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  • Interests
    Old cars, Woodworking, photography, gardening, grandkids

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  1. Thanks for the great explanations guys! I'll check out both and report back.
  2. The Driver side front door on my 48 Plymouth will not stay open. All the other doors on the car do not have this problem. Is there an adjustment that will correct this problem?
  3. When I was searching for replacement grommets for my headliner bows, I bought grommets from McMaster Carr. The ID of the center hole was too small. I tried freezing and drilling them. No workie! Then I tried a long diamond bur in a Dremel tool and it easily enlarged the hole to perfect size.
  4. Robin, thanks for posting all of those great photos. I'm drooling!!
  5. Yep, that's where they attach. I crawled under the car just now, and there are caged nuts located on the vertical aspect of the floorboard, just forward of the gas tank and they are 28" apart. Apparently the bolts sheared off in the holes when the seat back was last removed. I'll have to drill those out (should be fun!). They line up perfectly with the holes in the fiberboard trunk separator. Since no one can tell me what the purpose of the holes mentioned in my original post and I have no need for them, I will put some rubber plugs there as Tom Skinner suggested.
  6. Bingo! I had never thought about the seat back being bolted to the floor, but went up in the attic where the frame for mine sits, and sure enough there are two tabs to bolt it to the floor. I haven't gone under the car to see if there are caged nuts below the holes, but am expecting they are there. Thanks for all the help guys! edit: Well, scratch that. The tabs in the seat back are 28" apart and the holes in the floor are only 18" apart. The search continues!!?
  7. Could seatbelts have been installed with only one hole on each side?
  8. My guess is it was for a speaker. In those days there was no stereo, so no need for two.
  9. Maybe this photo will better show where the holes are located.
  10. I'm finishing up covering the floor with sound deadening and got to this place below where the back seat goes. What is this hole for? I'm assuming I should not cover it up.
  11. Thanks a lot for that information!!
  12. Today I have been installing new grommets for hanging the headliner bows. Although there are only 6 bows per side, there appear to be 7 "grommet holes" per side. Anybody else make this discovery and if so, how did you figure out which ones to use?
  13. I remember my first start up after overhaul and know how great it makes you feel to hear that engine run. Big congratulations! Jerry
  14. Welcome Carl! You have found a great source of information and encouragement for your restoration. I will be following your journey!
  15. Sam, my gaskets came from Steele. They fit pretty well and at 15 years old I was surprised to find them still pliable today.
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