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Everything posted by Bob_Koch

  1. Glad to hear you're up here in N. Calif. There are a lot of us up here.
  2. Welcome to the group. Where in Calif are you located? We have people all over this state that have trucks just like yours.
  3. First of all, I find it interesting that almost 60 years later, the F150 seat is the same size as our dodge. Secondly, you've done us all a favor by figuring this out. It makes finding seat covers so much easier. Thanks for your creative work on this.
  4. Looks like a great coffee getter.
  5. Way to go Mario. I saw a pilothouse on the street in my town a few months ago. Had no idea who owned it so I dropped my "dodge card" on his seat. The guy emailed me back a few days later and I was able to hook him up with the DPETCA and forum websites.
  6. If you like modified - looks like a nice '55 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1954-DODGE-REG-CAB-CUSTOM-PICKUP-318-AUTO-SUICIDE-DOORS_W0QQitemZ200152530270QQihZ010QQcategoryZ6197QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Never seen that kinda bracket
  8. This seller has some nice pics of a 52 pilot for sale. But put a video along with it. Actually drives the truck while holding the camera. Not my way of creating a video but a nice ride anyway. Video is kinda big to download. Ebay link
  9. Boy, How many guys have heard that ultimatum? "It's me or the truck"!
  10. The guys truck is a class act. And it looks like he did a lot of the work himself.
  11. Don't need any parts - but thanks for offering them. A nice looking truck
  12. A nicely restored van. I think the best one I've seen.
  13. Wish you well on the move. And by the way, you'll still be in good company in Washington as we have some great members there too.
  14. Once again it's getting near the end of the month online chat. This has been a great place to get valuable information and share information. Join the DPETCA online chat this Sunday evening. Time: 5PM - PDT That's: 6PM-MDT That's: 7PM-CDT That's: 8PM - EDT Where: DPETCA Website We will again be using the chat page on the DPETCA website. Here's the link: http://www.dodgepilothouseclub.org/chat/index.php NOTE: When accessing the chat page, it is helpful to register before logging in, but not necessary. If desired you can simply enter your name and click enter without any password. We will email a reminder again at the end of this week to all the members. Hope to see you there, Bob Koch DPETCA President
  15. Here's a '48 for cheap! a mere $20,000 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1948-Dodge-Pickup-Truck_W0QQitemZ170139971925QQihZ007QQcategoryZ6197QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. I'll have to keep a copy of this so that when I sell my truck for a mere $20,000 I can show them what a bargain it is.
  17. Stef, There is also a pilot-house owner in London. I know that's quite a ways distance from you but thought you might like to know you're not alone there in the UK. Glad you found us.
  18. The "in" thing now is to put the bed on hydraulics - just like in the ol days. Nice looking trucks - thanks for the pics
  19. You're an inspiration to the rest of us still working on our trucks
  20. Hey Tony , that shirt looks good on you!
  21. I took a look a members who own more than one Dodge truck, mostly pilothouses. Here's what I found: Tony Buckley: 1953 Suburban, 1954 Deluxe Ute David Stankiewicz 1946 COE, 1948 1.5ton, 1952 2.5ton Lee Gunter 5 models: B1B, DU, EU, FM, B2, 2 Panel trucks and 2 Route Vans Tim Estrada: 3 Pilothouse Pickups Reg Evans: ?? Gosh, who knows how many he has spread around his property Who have I missed??? Add to the list. You lucky guys.
  22. Don't have any info on COE's but here's a pic for inspiration:
  23. Don't know if it does you any good but saw an ad on ATHS site. Here's what it reads: parting out 1948 Dodge COE, 2½ ton … (901) 427-6018 (MS) Didn't know if you might need any other parts. The ad is dated 7/11
  24. Something go lost there in Harvey's last post - here's the link to his gallery: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/gallery/H+Suhling/?g2_page=2
  25. So Dave, you going to restore that big bad COE?
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