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Everything posted by Roadkingcoupe

  1. Part Number Look-Up Thread Received a request today from 49 Dodge Dude for a part number "look-up" for his 1949 Dodge. As an enthusiast I am happy to provide part number research. Instead of providing info through PM it would be beneficial to share the info with the forum. My parts books cover most years (1929-1961) but outside of 1937-1948 PDCD I am sure other forum members know more then me and have even more info to contribute. So, this is how I would hope to see this thread work. Post your vehicle with Make, Model, Year and the exact part you request for info and part #. As time allows I will respond with info and hopefully include a page right out of the original parts books (when necessary). I invite other forum member with "accurate" info to answer parts request as well (probably difficult for one person but I will try). Will do my best to keep up with individual requests however this is NOT to become a part number look-up page for eBay vendors. If anyone finds the parts book hard to read please feel free to ask for clarification or instructions how to read the parts book page. Due to many minor variations in year make and model including different geographical manufacturing plants part #'s can vary. Please keep this in mind and also that one part can have many #'s including superseded #'s (which is quite common). Request #1 "I know you've looked up part #'s for members before, and I wonder if you could help me out with something: I have a '49 Coronet that came with the horn guts missing. I have the horn ring & button, but the assembly to activate the horn isn't there. Could you tell me what the part #'s are so I'll know what to look for & order? Thanks for any help!" For a larger picture "click" on the enlarged thumbnail and then use "control Ctrl" and + for further enlarging.
  2. I have no way of confirming this info..... A good friend of mine watched the auction and says that there were actually a number of decoys in addition to the actual ambulance/hearse. In his version, the vehicle that actually transported JFK was crushed and he believes that the vehicle up for auction was one three possible decoys. He goes on to explain that the Kennedy family was/is diligent in maintaining the memory and preventing the sale of "memorabilia". Once again I have no idea if he is correct but it sounds plausible. I agree with a previous post, if I do not like the actual vehicle it makes no difference who may have owned it, rode in it or washed it. Now a 1939 Plymouth ute or a 3 window Aussie Dodge coupe would definitely get my attention.
  3. I am looking at a 1939 and a 1941 Plymouth Data Book (just my luck that I do not have a 1940 Plymouth Data Book). However, the 1941 Plymouth Data Book shows: Four Two-tone color combination's "available on Special DeLuxe Sedans only". The color combination's are: 1- Air Wing Gray No. 501 and Mandarin Maroon No. 601 2- Aviator Blue No. 201(Polychromatic) and Eddins Blue No. 203 (Polychromatic) 3- Metallique Green No.301 (Polychromatic) and Jib Green No.303 (Polychromatic) 4- Flight Gray No 503 (Polychromatic) and Plaza Brown No. 401 (Polychromatic) Please correct me if I am wrong, but if I remember correctly the Special Deluxe Sedans had a thinner extra piece of trim above the belt line molding. As previously mentioned this "extra" molding acted as a delineating marker between the two colors. note: "Metallique" is not a spelling mistake....that is exactly how it is written in the Data book.
  4. Mission Statement....by Roadkingcoupe Clarification: The post was meant as my mission statement to the forum. It was simply a pledge as to my intentions and commitment, as an individual participating and contributing. When it was written, it never occurred to me that it could be perceived as a blanket "Mission Statement" for the whole forum. I apologize to everyone/anyone who might have thought I was trying to usurp GTK's authority. That just simply is not the case. I expect other members to hold me accountable to my commitment and under no circumstance was I proscribing behavior of any other forum member.
  5. Mission Statement....by Roadkingcoupe Goals: To foster an inclusive environment for ALL parties interested in Vintage Chrysler product vehicles. Hot rodders and "Tiquers" alike. To continuously add value by providing informative and objective posts. A commitment to treat others in ways that are kind, inclusive and welcoming to the forum. To provide a mutual benefit... a shared benefit; as a shared benefit will endure. That's all I have to say.
  6. Pictorial History of.....Radio Delete Plates The pressed steel does not have an embossed part # which makes it slightly more difficult to I.D. The picture shows 1939 and some 1940's delete plates. The wood-grained pattern was to match the dash. So I would assume that the black plate was for a convertible because convertibles were not equipped with wood-grained dashboards. photo attached.
  7. Here are two photos of the wire loom. First picture shows the proper loom for a "Spitfire" motor off a 41 Chrysler (might also be used for 46-48?). At the bottom of the first picture are two (of 7 that I have) and they are barely noticeably different. In the second photo the mounting "tab" is just slightly longer than the other. That is all I can tell is different. Go figure....
  8. What I like about the "wire loom" is that I never have a problem figuring out which wire goes where.....because the loom holds the wires in the proper firing order.
  9. Hi Tod, You are correct. I saw the two different part #'s this AM when I researched the part #. Trucks continued to use the older style. I have both styles and can look at the differences. It's just too cold right now to spend a lot of time searching through a barn. My guess......the difference is underneath and differs only in the mount or mounting hole. Just a guess. glad to see you share a similar interest in the small nuances of parts for our old Plymouth's and Dodges. thanks
  10. There is an accessory kit called an "Ever-Dry Kit" that was available for earlier cars with "butterfly" style opening hoods. The kit includes aluminum "cups" and rubber upper boots. They snap together and protect the spark plugs from water that leaked through the hood hinge. Just a thought. pm me if you need more info.
  11. Hi Rodney, Not trying to hijack the thread but...In the picture of your 1940 Coupe there are external trunk hinges. Just curious if in 1940 there were two styles of trunk hinge for that year. I have seen both internal and external trunk hinges on 1940 Plymouth Coupes. Have seen 1939 Plymouth's that also came with 1940 external hinges. The 39 Coupe hinges are solid and the 1940 external hinges are made up of an inner assembly and a thin "pot metal" cover. Hoping you (or anyone) can confirm the two styles were produced for the same year. (hope that doesn't sound confusing). Thanks in advance for your reply.
  12. please forward your "personal message" to the administrator. Thanks. As stated by the GTK in the Forum Announcements And Feedback : Quote: "I'm actually a pretty patient guy but I'm growing very tired of the meanness of tone some are exhibiting, plus the complaints that come afterwords. If you can't say something nice, (or in a nice way), don't hit that "Enter" key cause you just got banned for 30 days. Multiple offender, your done including blocking your IP address. As in really done. How this will work: I can't read all the threads, but if I get a complaint or come across inappropriate tone in reviewing threads, you just met the judge, jury and executor. My board, my editorial content and my decision. Let me be clear, this is not HAMB or some of the other wild west sites out on the web. Nor is it going to become one. And if you think I'm blowing smoke up your a$$, try me. __________________ GTK, The Webmaster"
  13. A Woman, a Mattress, and a Car A Woman ran over a mattress on the highway, And decided not to worry -- and kept on driving. The ensuing jumble finally whipped around enough To tear a hole in the fuel tank. The Subsequent Lack Of Fuel Is What Finally Brought Her Vehicle To Its Knees. She Had Still Managed To Drive 30 More Miles With A 60-Pound Tangle of Stuff Wrapped Around Her Drive shaft. She Had it Towed To Her Dealership And Complained That The Vehicle Had A "Sort Of Shimmy" When She Was Driving At High Speeds. Below Are The Photos Of What They Found At Her Dealership.................... The Last Photo Is By Far The Best. "Sort Of A Shimmy" -- I'll Bet It Did!
  14. 1941 Plymouth's still had a crank hole cover.
  15. It has been documented over and over again that Steele Rubber is the superior choice for rubber parts for old Plymouth and Dodges. But I really question the contribution of the above quote. It only demeans the forum and it's members and does nothing to effect the behavior of AB. Lets keep this forum a nice place to visit. Woke up to -20 C (-4F) and by tomorrow it is supposed to be above freezing and raining??? Now that is something!
  16. Thank you......that is the funniest thing I have read this year. I worked a parts room in the early 80's with over a million parts and the whole inventory was on a huge "Rolodex". No computer. There was always someone that thought it was O.K. to grab a part and not take it off the inventory. It would drive me nuts!
  17. Neil, I don't disagree with you. AB can lack common courtesy. And yes.....common courtesy seems to be in short supply. This forum is a perfect example of how well a forum can work when civility rules. Thank you for reading my post. Vote with your $$$$$$$'s
  18. Please read the whole post before you make any assumptions or conclusions. I recently had surgery on both knees. While researching the doctor that was to operate on my knees I came across much criticism about the doctor's "bedside" manner. Over and over again previous patients complained about the doctor's gruff personality. But the more I read it became obvious that he was an excellent surgeon and that not one complaint was regarding the outcome. In other words his patients received excellent medical attention but they took offense to not being "pampered". For me walking without pain trumped anyone's petty complaints about bedside manner. The guy was an excellent surgeon and when I need my hips done I hope he will be kind enough to be my surgeon. Not going to defend or bash Andy B. But....I have been to his house and to his business. He has many hard to find items (parts) not listed in his catalog. I saw parts that I did not even know existed, and I am a parts guy! So bashing a vendor because you do not like his bedside manor is counter productive. It only prevents others from calling and possibly finding a part or information that might not be available anywhere. I have been in the room while he answered phone calls and yes he was gruff. I was shocked, he never treated me like that. Probably because I speak "MoPaR parts language". At the same time I have witnessed the exact problem that makes him gruff or curt with a "just the facts" attitude. Conversation went something like this.... Guy calls and starts reaming out AB for sending him the wrong part. AB tries to find out how that could have happened? So he asks the guy some questions. What year is the car? The guy says 1941 and AB says that is the right part! The guy says "my mechanic says it isn't". AB barks "get the # off the engine", the guy comes back with a # that I.D.'s the motor...... its a 1952 motor. So of course the part didn't fit. AB says "send me the part back so I can send you the right part", and hangs up. Possibly poor bedside manner but the guy got the right part the car now works and that is that. The customer is not always right. That's right you read it here. As time passes there are less parts vendors with AB's experience. Discouraging anyone from certain part sources seems counter productive. AB has never responded to criticism on this forum. I wish he would. But I am sure he has no need to. He has the parts and the knowledge. It seems like the more knowledgeable the customer the less chance of a negative outcome. So here are some suggestions: 1 -when calling be aware of the fact that his time is limited and he doesn't want to hear stories about last Sunday's drive. 2 -always have the pertinent information regarding your car. Year, model, serial # and please be knowledgeable about any modifications to the vehicle that might effect the correct part #. 3 -if your mechanic is working on the car, have the mechanic order the parts. If you don't get your hands dirty have the guy who does call! 4 -you have been warned! When you call have a thick skin, don't let his attitude get personal and remember that the phone ring constantly. He wants to answer as many calls as possible. Now that you read the whole post you make the decision. Do you want to deal with someone with excellent service and few parts and little to NO knowledge. Or are you willing to put up with a gruff attitude and possibly find some rare and hard to find parts?
  19. +1 Any farm/tractor supply store should have 10W oil. 10W (non detergent) oil also used in Fluid Drive Transmissions.
  21. MoPaR crazy....
  22. Looking at a part number can tell a lot about the application before even looking it up in the book. There are trends rather then rules about part #'s. An example is the even odd scenario. If a tail light housing is an odd # it is for the left side (drivers) if the part # is even it is for the right side (passenger). This occurs 70-80% of the time but is not a rule with MoPar parts.
  23. 1317461 is ONE of THREE part #'s for the same part! 1317461 = 817241 = 953769 part #1317461 S/A #817241 S/A #953769 there is often more then one part # for each part. Hope that helps on your search!
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