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Everything posted by billrigsby

  1. Except on old (70's) Grey Market Kubota tractors, all I have seen, use braided ground cables....
  2. That is some serious 'old school' stuff too cool, literally. Thanks for sharing ?
  3. WOW, so sorry to hear that, must have been a sinking feeling. I have never seen one of my wheels pass me, but heard several stories. And no one more. ?
  4. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Baldwin-JC-405-Deluxe-JC-Sock-Style-Lube-Oil-Filter-Element-and-G-127-Gasket-/185135038746?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  5. I thought they were 1/2 inch pipe, but again, the Machine Shop took them out and put new ones in so I'm only going by what I see after the fact. If it wasn't -1, blowing and snowing I'd go out to the shop and check, but ?
  6. Ditto, I let the Machine Shop deal with all that stuff, I know it might be a little late now but for future reference.
  7. Thanks, Yes back then I think it was just Chrysler Corp, then in 2014/15 became FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.) Then PSA Group (Peugeot S.A.) and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. merged to become Stellantis in early 2021. Thanks for the additional information. I was hoping it would also shed some light on this number scrawled on the firewall drivers side, but no luck.
  8. Yes, more research is needed, also curious what the Deluxe Cab Group #2 consisted of.
  9. This is the form I used, back in January of 2021, got way backed up by Covid. I would submit it along with proof of ownership, sit back and wait. Build Record Request Form.docx I did not send a check, her letter states she returned the check (probably if sent) They bare slowly getting through the backlog. This is Danielle's contact information, she is very nice and helpful. Danielle Szostak-Viers Historical Services CIMS 410-11-21 12501 Chrysler Freeway Detroit, MI 48288 Danielle Szostak <danielle.szostak@stellantis.com>
  10. Received the build card today, pretty self explanatory, others I have seen look more like IBM Punch cards. ? I am not sure what the 1300 A33 adj lift mix is or if I am deciphering it correctly. I looked into Miller Auto Company and found this photo for sale on eBay not sure if it is the same 'Miller'.....
  11. Yes, I went to them for some brake parts and found that out, very sad.
  12. Also the 'auto store bought 12 V' cables #2 0r #4 may work, but will not provide as much current a 0 or 00 gauge cables.
  13. These are some recently acquired vintage patches from various sellers, also on eBay..... THIS ONE WAS NOT DONE BY A VERY 'DEPENDABLE' EMBROIDWERER!
  14. Recently stumbled onto a seller on eBay that had a lot of Dodge Memorabilia. eBay store jandjcarz7 I grabbed up a bunch of stuff at what I think was great prices..... I already had this Dodge Brothers pin from years back..... and found this which is not 'vintage' but nice, from another seller eBay store BullRunVintage ?
  15. Version 1.0.0


    The Job-Rater Magazine V3 #2
  16. V3 #2.pdf View File The Job-Rater Magazine V3 #2 Submitter billrigsby Submitted 01/25/2022 Category Marketing Brochures  
  17. V4 #2.pdf View File The Job-Rater Magazine V4 #2 Submitter billrigsby Submitted 01/25/2022 Category Marketing Brochures  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    The Job-Rater Magazine V4 #2
  19. I would not know where to start either, at a bone yard maybe, I don't have that skill or patience. ?
  20. Another Dodge FIRST! GY'ROL FLUID DRIVE EXCLUSIVE WITH DODGE ''Job-Rated'' TRUCKS.pdf View File Dodge Fluid Drive Brochure - Year Unknown Another Dodge FIRST! GY'ROL FLUID DRIVE EXCLUSIVE WITH DODGE ''Job-Rated'' TRUCKS Submitter billrigsby Submitted 01/20/2022 Category Marketing Brochures  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Dodge Fluid Drive Brochure - Year Unknown Another Dodge FIRST! GY'ROL FLUID DRIVE EXCLUSIVE WITH DODGE ''Job-Rated'' TRUCKS
  22. I'll have to look at their site again I just clicked the link and it went straight to battery cables so I plugged in the information to get pricing, I'll have to do some comparison shopping. High School Electronics was over 40 years ago but I kind of thought the finer strands would provide more current. Remember when they used to teach that kind of stuff in school? Thanks for the heads up.
  23. Wow, a pipe bender, I found these on-line, price seems reasonable. On-line was close to $2-$3 / foot. I will check with Airgas in the Springs, to compare prices. I would think that the finer strands would provide better power transfer.
  24. Well who knows when the engine will actually be in the truck, especially after the last fiasco with the brand new oil pump seizing on startup. I just wanted to get the correct size cables so when I get the engine back together the second time I can start it up and have cables that provide enough juice, the 12-volt ones I had were cranking it, however slowly. I can probably look at some photos and get a fair idea if the length of the book says will work. What gauge are your cables?
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