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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Yes the 6 v timing light will work, to advance timing turn distributor counter clockwise, set at 2-4 BTDC
  2. Whats the oil pressure like at this temp with the extended idling? Do you have any issues with hot fuel conditions or fuel pump getting boiled up?
  3. The Smithys or Porters? I kinda like the Chriscraft Chrysler powered boat sound... I did some listening to Smithys on inlines last night, they sound good too, but on a Stovebolt or inline Ford, they sound different. There was a hopped up Chevy 292, with headers and Smithys, that engine sounded good..
  4. All in all, this conversion came off very well, and not that difficult. The dual exhaust, is too quiet though, I am running 2 big stock type Walker mufflers, and while it sounds like a dual, it is not the sound I am looking for, so not sure what mufflers will eventually replace these, but not Cherry Bomb or Thrush glass paks, something like Flow master 40s, and not too big big pipe, and most likely dumping on both sides of the rear. I am not a huge fan of the Smithy sound per say, have had Smithy on the 47 Chrysler....
  5. yup it is, you may not recall, it was to be a beater truck, so did not pull all the sheet metal back off, once I assembled it. But then sold the Chrysler, and the truck became the focus. At some future point, going to take off box and front clip and redo all body and paint, that could be 5-10 years from now though. I have thought about trying to mask off and paint it all, but forget it, gonna paint under side of the hood, and inner fenders black, they are easy to get at. If this was a fresh start would do it as described, for a nicer cleaner job, but for now she is okay..
  6. Here ya go an updated video,
  7. mission accomplished, did this with a very sore left arm but soldiered on.....LOL
  8. Hi all, did a clean up and detail with paint on the engine, had a lot of things off. I still need to finish up and get the air cleaners..
  9. Thanx for the praise DB, she is nice, but with 2 big stock type mufflers an 2 inch pipe, she is darn quiet, and does not sound all too different than before. I am not a big fan of Smithys, or Cherry Bomb glass packs, they are nice but not for me. I will install new mufflers at some point and pipe, right to the back bumper. Pics of the linkage here ya go,
  10. Bill Watson will know or Tim Kingsbury if that is a factory number
  11. Massey? not really as it would have been a Chrysler IND
  12. Did you actually measure the stroke, it's a Canadian built engine thats for sure. pull the little top pipe plug and measure the stroke, you could have a 238 or better yet a 265 on your hands..
  13. Exactly as Rob has stated for the most part, sometime the bigger trucks have a hotter cam grind in bigger engines with a 265 factory dual carbs and exhaust. Some stationary engines, have are cammed for a certain RPM range, as well some of the Marine engines too. If you have the engine install it, it'll rev up to 3500 to 4000, if you want it more radical you can have it ground by someone like George Asche, for more punch. But should be just fine as it is....
  14. Okay got some mufflers and exhaust on the new duals, very big stock types, what I had at my disposal, need to fix it all up a bit, but it's not bad for now. Have a look and listen,
  15. Is this a short engine Neil?
  16. There should be tons of Chrysler flathead engines in Alberta yet, I even know where there is a decent 250 runner here in the 2-3 hundred dollar range. Don't play around with the 218, unless this is a concourse resto, why bother, you can another engine, and a runner from an old grain truck or combine maybe. It all boils down to what yu may want, and you have mentioned V8s, so maybe thats the route for your build, either way, there is work ahead...
  17. More get up and go than stock thats for sure. I have 3.23 gears, and although the truck is pretty light, would be better off with 3.73 gears and a A833 4 spd OD trans.....
  18. Here you go, the maiden run. No issues cept the need some exhaust work for the 2nd dump, and my gas pedal linkage is hanging up a bit..
  19. I have not driven the truck yet, one exhaust is cobbled together, and did not think I should be driving it or running it with a 10 inch exhaust off the front outlet on the manifold. One thing that is very apparent, it revs up to a lot higher RPM much easier, than stock intake and exhaust...
  20. Here is the start up video, idling a bit high, noisy, need a muffler on the other exhaust dump,
  21. So with new gaskets in place, the intake and exhaust installed, and stud nuts torqued down. It was now time to run fuel lines, hook up the gas pedal and choke linkages, all went off well, at least I am hoping it did. Buttoned it all up, added the antifreeze, and tomorrow will hook up the 1 exhaust pipe, and very soon will get a 2nd exhaust for the front exhaust outlet. I hope it runs as well as it looks, and need to find air cleaners too.
  22. So today drained all the coolant as a few studs were backing out. I removed all stud nuts, and the 4 studs that backed out, cleaned up all the threads, special washers etc. I had to use heat for some of the stubborn stud nuts, but came off well, once persuaded. I then cleaned up the block are and installed the 4 studs, and the gaskets, it was time to try on the new intake and exhaust, they fit like a glove.
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