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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Thanx Tim, both very viable options with a no nonsense approach. The best part is, they are Ma Mopar solutions for a Mopar, cant be better than that....
  2. Interesting, and I wish you luck and look forward to your documented data. There is no way on gods green earth that any single carb, whether it be a 1bbl/2bbl/4bbl, on this engine and 3 siamesed intake ports will have better fuel distribution, fuel atomization or fuel economy and performance than a multi carb intake, actually 3 matched carbs, each delivering fuel to each siamese port,no single carb design will be better than this set-up. Hey but if the 1 carb from a Nissan works for you great, not putting your intent down, just it will not compete with a properly matched and tune ,multi carb set-up on these engines. Keep us posted.
  3. Well John which stock cam spec? Or rather which engine which application etc. There were many stock cam specs for these engines. So what would you do with the info, just curious? Would you consider this more relevant with an overhead valve engine, as compared to an Lhead configuration. Again, if the OP has an Edgy manufactured head, would it not be prudent to contact him to get a suggestion for a cam grind.
  4. I am sure Tim is aware that Edgy makes heads for the long blocks .Fenton Intake, and a few other hints, kinda identified this a short block build. As far as heads go, for my preference, an Edmunds or a planed stock head is what I would go with. I am not overly partial to the Edgy Heads for my own needs and reasons.
  5. I recall your "Engine Find" a very nice score, glad it worked out for you. Now Fred, there are obvious courses of action to follow. In Holland, ( we helped liberate) were a lot of the old Chrysler built cars and trucks imported from Windsor Canada?
  6. Hi Reg, you had a short 218 before? Bet you noticed a difference in the get up and go with the 250...
  7. Hi Greg, 125 at the rear wheel is pretty good for the build you have, no special cam or head. When was this Dyno done? I would venture to guess your engine was producing 150 or so at the crank, so you picked up about 20 hp from the factory spec? A 265 with build that includes a higher lift, longer duration cam, 3 carb intake, head work , you can easily see why it would be 175 plus at the crank, as the engine is around 125 hp dead bone stock.
  8. Huh, nah can see you with a Brigs and Stratton swap......LOL
  9. Merry Christmas to all, and those who visit Tims Christmas Wish Blog. All the best of you who have been good and honoring Mr WPC and keeping his marvels of inventions alive and well. My your "stockings" be stuffed with Chryco goodies, that you keep your Mopar happy with Mopar parts. Lumps of coal will be found in the Stockings of those who continue to Bah Humbug the excellency of Chrysler engineering, by promoting Chevy parts. "Kristos Razdayetsya," to My Ukrainian friends.
  10. At 60 mph = 3000 rpms, so doable, I would pin this baby right out, on a back country gravel road.....LOL
  11. All the best to you Tim, and the families and the AoK Boys....
  12. Lookin Good my Friend......
  13. Hi all, not a whole lot happening this week, as it twas the week before Christmas. I have started a build and/or prospective build thread for the A833 conversion. Now I hope to post as my progress rolls along, and it will be an honest detailed compilation complete with pics and videos. Immediately after I started the new thread there were 2 who wanted to add a negative slant to the thread, under the guise of wanting info, and anyone who knows the history of 1 of thee 2 , knows they have no real interest in this swap. I did ask the suspect interested party if they wanted to upgrade there D24, he of course got annoyed and deflected my question. I have made it clear, that this is not a competition against a T5 or any other trans swap, they just don't get it, and want to create disharmony instead of adding to the thread, they are bent on pulling it apart. My next thread, covers the topic of trailering with flathead powered cars and trucks, and I am meaning light trailers, 2500 lbs and less, I hope anyone who has a history of doing so will post from time to time, as there are members who ask this question every now and then. There are those who right away think this thread is implying about pulling heavy trailers like an Airstream, not at all, and I do suggest you have a very safe mechanically fit vehicle to do any trailer hauling. Again 1 member felt the need to post in a way that added some doubt to the idea, he mentions insurance company restrictions ( which is good info), to vehicle types trailer type, automatic transmissions etc. While the theme of his post was not entirely negative, when asked about his experiences and how often or what type of trailer he pulls, he does not reply. I find this amusing, interested enough to state his opinions but not interested enough to state how much or what kind of trailer he pulls. I hope this thread grows over time too. So here is a shout out to the AoK Boys, have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday season.....
  14. Thanx rb, while there is snow, it was near 32 when the video was rollin. Get this Sunday morning at the end of a 7 day cold snap it was -27f with a -40 windchill, 24 hours later 28f, now that was a welcome change and quickly. I think a lot of old car people get bored in the winter months, so had to have some fun, had a ride around the neighborhood too, no salt on these back roads. he nice thing, is it gets cold and dry roads here, especially the highways, so even this morning at about 18f could go for a ride and the truck would be clean. The litle santa on the running board, forgot about and went driving and fast, he hung on, barely but hung on......hohohohohohos
  15. Do you have the "winter blahs", are you bah Humbug, then get in your Chrysler flathead powered cars and trucks and have fun,
  16. Yes the 265 is worth investigating, slightly warmed up should yield 150 hp to the crank and plenty of torque. I also have a few in the wings, this i is on a combine at a relatives, my father in law also has a good running 265 on another cockshutt combine, I may attain.
  17. For your enjoyment,
  18. Some pics of my custom built receiver hitch.
  19. Sounds like you have addressed all of your concerns with trailering , do you haul a trailer, or are you just set-up to do so? What type of trailers and whats weights are they, camper utility style trailers? How often do you drive this car, and how often with the trailer attached? Did you have to consult with your Insurance broker on your desire to haul a trailer with it? What is the furthest distance you have towed a trailer with this car, or what is furthest you travel with this car? I have collector insurance, but am not restricted from hauling trailers, if my equipment is what ir required by our laws.
  20. Okay Don no problem, guess you will have take a seat, be patient, and read the posts as they come in, thank you for your interest on this topic
  21. Hi JB thanx for sharing, always enjoy stories, and glad it went okay in your case. Yes the old trucks, a 218 old and maybe tired, stock brakes, 6 volts, heaven forbid a bumper hitch. My hitch which I will post pics of, was adopted from what GTK had built for his truck, a class 3 receiver style hitch. A truck will say, 265 powered, mildly hopped up, the correct gearing for your area, adequate and safe brakes a front end and steering in top shape. Now tow a 2000 lb trailer with this, with electric trailer brakes, think there could be a difference...
  22. 1 thing I would like to qualify for this thread, and have expressed this in the opening. This is a build and/or who is debating or undertaking an A833 conversion, whether they are planning, have begun, or are completed. In my particular case, there could be time lapses, and post gaps, as this may be longer than I would like. I will document every step of the way, in a very open and honest manner, this will be complete with pics and videos where possible. I will also be posting testimonies from a few individuals who do not do "computers" but have done the swaps already, whether it be pro or con, this will be transparent, and those who come to this thread will have the best of technical information.
  23. Don,are you just wanting info, or are you contemplating a trans swap for your newly acquired Dodge this past year. Do you have a truck build going on by chance? As I have suggested to others, their is a blog on Tim Kingsburys blog site, that answers a lot of technical questions in details, as you have often suggested, I suggest you do some searching as well. This evening I will be having a telephone call with George Asche, to discuss another matter, but since you are asking for info I will tell George he can possibly expect a telephone call from you. I will convey your concerns and questions as well as any doubts you may have, and hopefully if you call George, he can address your concerns.
  24. Some questions of course need to be answered, I do have the general knowledge on this conversion. Like other trans swaps and conversions, anytime these are undertaken, and the donor trans obviously does not have a rear drum style ebrake, something needs to be added. This is remedied in a couple of ways, a more modern diff with modern brakes with an ebrake capability. The other would or could be an electric ebrake, an aftermarket product for which I have very limited exposure, in fact only what I have discovered via the web. In my conversion, I already have a modern Mopar 8 1/4 diff with ebrakes on it, so no issues, a Chrysler solution in my case. With a quality engineered aluminum adapter plate, ( in my case AoK Racing), is all that is needed to mount the trans to the stock bell housing, there are a few different types, to accommodate cars and trucks. 23 spline input shaft and clutch disc all Chrysler Corp designed, no off brands using a GM disc for an off brand GM T5 trans. On Tim Kingsbury's blog you will find very detailed information, on the trans, conversion etc, I invite anyone who is remotely interested to take the time and search for the info in that location of this web forum. Again, if I have not entered accurate information on this post will correct it, I do not have all the answers but will continue to update and learn more myself in the process Shifter position can be viewed on the blog, and on the www, I strongly suggest those who may "just wanna know" go an tire kick in those locations to see if it's something you can work with. Unlike other trans plants, the A833 has side levers, is not a top loader with shifter positions all over the map..
  25. Okay,there has been threads on this topic, and there is a the 218 vs 250 thread, but here is a thread welcome to both cars and trucks powered with a Chrysler Flathead 6, transmission swaps ,engine swaps and/or mods diff ratios can be included. So all and any of you, who want to share your stories good bad or indifferent, lay it on us. Lets keep the trailer weight to 2500 lbs max. So share your stories, when, where how, and the outcomes good or bad, is it a good idea, was it a bad idea.
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