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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Picked up the tank today, they actually charged me less. I was quoted $250 for the tank over the phone, they charged me $215, plus $66.00 for shipping and $79 for UPS brokerage fees for a total of $360 for the tank. Opened the box to find, to my pleasant surprise, new straps, and gasket for the sending unit, no clamps for the piece of hose, that goes between the necks for filling gas. It is still a universal style filler neck attachment on the tank, but looks like it should work fine. The sending unit fits in the hole fine, but the screw holes line up in such a way that the sending unit float might hit the side of the tank, will have to figure that one out though. Its nice to start with a fresh clean tank, and it's baffled and vented.......................Fred
  2. Hey Norm, I tried to tell him, but he insisted on having this car, as he has been getting tired of his dogsled and Huskies lately. On the serious side, he bought this car, it had been a write-off, but was repaired very well. But when he got it here, he had "trouble big time" with our DMV, they would not saftey this car at first without pictures with the collision damage, he had to go through a bunch of hoops to get a waiver over this, he had to have 3 inspections, 2 federal, and one provincial, to be able to register and insure this car,it cost him $500 for the inspections.
  3. Hi all, my new gas tank arrived today from Clearwater Minnesota, from TanksInc. I was at work, so the courier took it back to his depot, so I will get it tomorrow. Not bad time, it was shipped on Tuesday, and yesterday was Thanksgiving in the USA. But the big surprise is my Duty, Brokerage Fees, I owe UPS another $79.00:eek: for there fee and the Tariff as the product was made in Taiwan. The price of the tank was $250.00 plus $70.00 for shipping it the 400 miles to my place, if it was shipped the same distance within the USA it would have been $30.00. So now my tank is at $400.00 , with all the hidden extras, good thing our dollar is strong or it could have been up to say $450 or more. Not tring to complain or sound like an elcheapo:rolleyes: , but this not such a cheap gas tank now, but at least I have one now.................Fred
  4. Hi all, a friend I work with recently bought a 2007 used Honda Civic. He bought this in the LA area, he then brought it all the way to Winnipeg Canada, which is 2000 miles north east of LA. Car looks and runs great, except now that he has it here, and the weather is much cooler than southern California the car is doing some strange things. As he is driving the car, it dies on him, no engine service light goes on, it just ups and dies, but runs fine before this happens, and the car will eventually restart afterwards. But this has happend a number of times in the last few days.Wednesday night, the temp dropped to about 4 above farenehit, last night it went down to about 22 f, today it was up close to 30 f. Does a car built for the state of Cal, have some emission components that might not work well in cold weather operation, can't see why, he says the car throws great heat, runs fine, but keeps dieng. To me, this almost sounds like a fuel or fuel pump issue, I think the car would have an electric fuel pump. So far one shop has found nothing wrong with the car, it will be going into a Honda dealership next. If anyone has any idea what may be causing this problem I would appreciate it...............Fred
  5. If it's the inner seal, you will need to pull the axle, you do this but disconnecting the brake line and removing the backing plate all in one piece. The outer axle seal hold back the grease around the bearing, the inner seal holds back the diff lube. You should be able to remove this with a eal remover and install with a axle seal driver, I think
  6. Norm, it went down to 2 above here last night, only about 25 right now, but no snow yet, going down to 16 tonight
  7. Happy turkeyeating, pumpkin pie and all the trimmins. From north of the border in cheery Canada..............Fred
  8. Here is the difference based on P215 75 15 tires, going 55 mph. With 4.11 gears @ 55 mph, the rpm is 2772, with a 3.90 rearend @ 55 mph, the rpm is 2592. Still worth it, you could swap to 3.90, if you can't find a 3.73, then go with P225 75 15 tires, you could cruise at 60 mph with the same rpm as a 4.11 would get at 55 mph, so it may be worth it, if the diffs and axle splines are all a match the swap is easy.............Fred
  9. Sorry, but I have it already installed into my 47 Chrysler, how about a 4.31, probably not eh. I can look around for one for you if you like.
  10. Charlie, what other parts do I need, what type of calipres, what type of rotors, hubs, brake hose etc. I have Plymouth spindles on my 47 Chrysler already, so that part is good.............Fred
  11. Listed for 1946 to 1948 Chrysler C38 were 2 diff ratios, for the Windsor, usually it had the M5 trans and 3.54 rearend, the Royals had a 3spd fluid drive and a 3.90 rearend. But I suppose it could have been ordered from the factory either way, but not likely.Look what I found in my 47 parts coupe, which is a Windsor with a M5 trans, it had a 3.73 rearend, probably swapped in, but who knows, amybe it was ordered that way...............Fred
  12. My mother was baking raisin pie on November 21st 1961, later that night a future member of P15 D24 entered the world.
  13. Nuttin like Sasktoon Pie, might be called Juneberries or Huckleberrys in the south, not sure though.
  14. Tim my wife is the same, raised in the suburbs of Winnipeg used to be known as "little Chicago" in the 30s and 40 s, but we were living in the country now. I was also raised in the city, but my folks were country folk, so I's be taught at some of these things at a young age.
  15. Looks mighty fine, when we going to be setting down to dinner
  16. It is on the hog head right side, on the flat machined area as most stampings are. Being a 47 Windsor, and if the diff has not been swapped, it will be highly likely it is a 3.54.................Fred
  17. Hi Tim, a lesson wel learned. To date have used your mix with Tremclad, Home Hardware brand rust paint, in fact my primer is home hardware rust primer on my 47. I have used the Tremclad rattle cans in many colors and primers, never had this happen.I have used your mix in a few colors, in Tremclad, never a problem so far. The Tremclad folks shook there finger at me, when I told them of your mix, and my plans to use it. I really don't think the Tremlcad Auto or rust paint in a rattle can is all that much different then your mix Tim, they just won't admit it......................Fred
  18. Hi Pete, thanx for the info, do you ever get tired of such beautiful Rocky Mountain scenery, I bet not...Fred
  19. It is a brand name, made by Evercoat, its a filler with metal in it.
  20. Hi Ed, it's in Clearwater, I 94, just past Monticello, and just before St. Cloud. Does this place sound familiar.
  21. Ed and they are right in your neighbourhood, like about 45 minutes out of the Twin Cities, at least I think, they may even be closer. Do you think, if it fits the P15 or D24, it should also fit a 47 Chrysler. As I am writing this, Tanks.inc just phoned, I went ahead with the order, this tank is made in Taiwan, hope I am not making a mistake on getting this tank, will find out, and hopefully not the hard way..............Fred
  22. Just go off the phone with Tanks.Inc, they say the tank is made for the 1941 to 1948 Plymouth or Dodge, the filler neck and sending unit hole are in the correct locations. It should also fit the 1941 to 1948 Chrysler and even Desoto 6 cyl cars, if not I will make it fit. It supposed to be a 15 or 16 gallon tank. Cost $250 plus shipping
  23. Thanx Oldmopar, good advice.
  24. Thanx Tim, think I will just buy one that fits, this one was only $5.00, or I may try the rat tail file trick. I don't have to have an OEM antnennae, it's a driver car anyways.....Fred
  25. Hi Bob, yes that is more or less where the mounting hole is located. I should not have open the package from NAPA, they won't take the antennae back now, it was only $5.00, will probably just buy another that fits..........Fred
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