I know all of the diff questions are probably not making me popular, but I want to get all of my ducks ina row before thye big switch.
The thing I am trying to figure out is this, the diff in the car is a 4.30, it has 11 inch brakes, so it's not from the big Chrysler, it had 12 inch brakes.
This diff has an anti-sway bar, covered 9 leaf springs, and the shock protector plate is huge.I had to get slightly longer than stock shocks to fit.
I am not sure if truck rear ends, had the anti-swaybar,covered leaf springs or not.
My parts car is a 47 Chrysler, with a 3.54 diff, it has the anti-swaybar, covered leaf springs.
I am trying to figure out if the 4.30 diff is a 40s, or 50s rearend, as the swap of hogheads, might be different using a 40s hoghead with a 50s rearend, in particular the axle splines.
I think most trucks came with 4.10 gears, and the big Chryslers and Big Dodges, may have had 4.30 diffs with standard transmissions..................................Fred