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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Thanx Ed, NAPA up here only has the steel lines. Even though it is still UAP-NAPA, they do not have all of the USA store products, this is a real PITA at times. Porbably going to have to go with steel lines as nobody seems to have anything else.......Fred
  2. Ed, where did you buy the stuff, been phoning around Winnipeg, nobody has it, not sure why it's a big city and nobody stocks anything but steel lines here
  3. Replacing brake or gas lines for corrosion, is almost unheard of up here, we used salt, but mostly sand, it's too cold a lot of times for salt use. My 1994 Ranger daily driver has 124000 miles on her, the undercarriage looks very good yet, they don't or never have used much salt here, there is surface rust on this truck, where the paint flaked off or wore thin, but that all, no rust through at all
  4. Hi Eric, just went to the Fedhill website, impressed with the product, is pricey at $129.99 for a 25 foot roll though, it's supposedly corrosion proof alloy that is as strong as steel, but highly and easily flexible.............Fred
  5. You know I have heard all these experiences, and believe them to be true of these engines. But here in Sunny Manitoba, there is a huge commercial fishing industry, on 3 huge lakes Lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba and Winnipegosis. On these lakes they used Bombardiers to do there net setting, hauling fish and getting around the lake. Guess what was the engine of choice for these machines, a Chrysler flat head 6, almost exclusive, until recent times. Now it is colder here than anywhere in the USA with the exception of Alaska and maybe the the northern tips of Minnesota and ND. But these engines were all used on a regular basis on the frozen lakes. One problem I did hear of is guys blowing out the bottom ends of these engines, probably because of dirty or poor quality thick oil. They probably used tiger torches, fire embers in a pan or something on the lake,or kept them running a lot...............Fred
  6. Hi all you winter brothers, here in the Winnipeg Area it is -6 f, 15 miles north of the city limits at my place its -15 f. I walked my 5 YO son to the end of the driveway, so he could get on the school bus, he was dressed up good and warm, even took a picture for you guys, but it didn't turn out...............................Fred
  7. Temp in The Winnipeg Canada area is currently 3 above, with the windchill its -15, darn freezin cold don't matter which way you look at it, just came in from the garage, turned the heat off in there, but there is 2 warm vehicles in there temp is 32 inside, but the garage is heavily insulated.
  8. Thanx Tim
  9. Norm i tend to agree, mind you know one looks under my car but me. My reason to use the other type, was for ease of bending, and for really no other reason, I don't need stainless steel, steel is fine..........Fred
  10. Hi all, have any of you used any of this new gas line , that is made from some type of composite with an inner brass lining, it is a little more expensive than steel lines, but apparently shapes and bends much easier , and is not supposed to kink. I plan on plumbin my new gas lines tomorrow, just not sure what type to go with. As I will be buying pre-made sections, with the factory double flared ends, I need to join sections, with brass unions. Is this okay to do with gas lines, my OEM had unions on them, I do know compression fittings are not leagl to use for gas line or brake lines..............Thanx Fred
  11. How about a block heater, my 47 Chrysler with it's flattie and 15 W40 weight oil starts harder evben at 20 degrees, as the Rottela T 15 W 40 oil is thick, unless I am having other problems as well...........Fred
  12. But besides all that how does it look, the tank straps have an open gap on the back, but the tank is very rigid and tightly in place, should this be okay, ideally I would have the straps tight against the back of the tank also, but it does not move when I reef on it...................Fred
  13. Took these pics 5 minutes ago, the one with snow is for Tim to see what he's missing in the sweet southern life , I can hear you now Tim, laughing over a cup of coffee, thinking what the heck is that Frosty Canuck thinkin.....Fred
  14. Hi all, how much clearance is required from the right side of the gas tank to the spare tire well, in order to run the exhaust tail pipe along the side of it. The new tank appears to have more clearance in this area;) than the OEM tank, but just want to be sure, as I want to run:cool: 2 inch exhaust pipe along side the gas tank......Thanx Fred
  15. Norm, heck that is more than we have here even, at my place there is about 8 inches of snow on the ground, expecting an inch possibly today. Winnipeg which is 15 miles south of here got 6 inches on tuesday we got maybe 2 if that, and were only 15 miles away. No more lake effect here, it is frozen over, Lake Winnipeg is huge ( size of Lake Erie), but it freezes over every winter, the commercial Walleye fisherman already are on it with there nets going under the ice..........Fred
  16. Insulate and put up a plastic vapor barrier, then heat with a small construction heater or woodstove. Mine is heavily insulated, with 2 -220 volt electric forced fan heaters, when its -20 I can make it 65 inside, if I need to...............Fred ps electricity is only 6 cents a Kwh here in Manitoba though
  17. Hey Larry, that ain't bad, remember those Minnesota winters and northern Minnesota is as cold as Manitoba, heck man it was down to -12 here on Tuesday night, not bad here today it's about 15 degrees. Yah, you don't have Cal or Fla weather but, I would love to have 50s here in December and going down to 30 at night, thats semi-tropical for Canada for winter..........Fred
  18. Unless the speedo driven gear was pulled out of the trans for some reason, yes it would alter the speedo, but just putting in a new cable shouldn't do anything. I had this very problem, most of was caused by, a lower geared diff was swapped in, it was a 4.31, I now have a 3.73 set of gears, but the speedo is still out a bit, my tires are tall enough, but the speedo is a 17 tooth dirven gear, not sure if that might still be my trouble or not....................Fred
  19. Hey Daddyo, 1st determine what rearend you have, what size of tires do you currently have. If the rearend has been swapped out, or your trans is got a different speedo driven gear, you can alter and change your speed reading. Shorter tires, lower gears in diff i.e. if the car was equipped with a 3.90 diff, and it now has a 4.11 diff, you will have a speedo reading higher than the actual speed your travelling. Add shorter tires, and you even widen that margin of error. Let us know what diff gearing you have, the size of your tires, and see what the rest of us can come up with...........Fred
  20. Hi all, what is the correct way to test the gas gauge, I have it in the dash, there is power to it, but when I hook up alligator leads to the 2 terminals that go to the sender, I get no reading, I hope this gauge is okay, but so far it does not give any reading when tested. Looks like I may go with an aftermarket gas gauge and a single wire universal sender, but would like to use the stock gauge if possible...............Thanx Fred
  21. Thanx anyway Ed, more than likely I will order a new one, just want see if a good used one is available first..............Fred
  22. Hi all members, before I go out and try and buy a new or NOS 2 wire gas sender, would anyone happen to have an extra for sale, or possibly trade for parts you may need. As budget is a big concern in my project/life, want to try and find a good used sender first, before paying the $80.00 plus shipping and duty for a unit from Roberts........Thanx Fred
  23. Opened up the sender, the little wire on the contact board were all ripped up, not just broken in one piece, every strand was torn. Will buy a another 2 wire sender or go with a single wire sender and remote gas gauge, what the H the car isn't totally original anyway.......Fred
  24. I here you Pat, my new gas tank was made in Thailand, was disappointed at first. But I suppose even the quality control of these Asian countries will improve. The new tank appears to be made well, the only problem noted is the thread for the tank vent fitting was rather tight, when I screwed in the 90 degree elbow brass fitting supplied, other than that not bad. I probably could have got a tank made in the USA, but would have cost a lot more, such as Rock Valley upwards to $600............Fred
  25. Wow, that musta put a damper on Winnipegers coming down to shop at West Acres. We got about 2 inches here just 15 minutes north of Winnipeg on the weekedn but high winds blew it all over. Today were looking at 2 to 4 inches here and the city is expecting 6 inches, but it is the light powdery stuff, not as bad as the heavy wet snow, thenit's supposed to be cold and sunny for the next several days, with over night lows to almost -15. If I lived in the USA, I would seriously think of living in the warmer zones of the country, especially upon retirement, like the idea of parts of Arizona, even Tennessee or coastal Georgia. Here in Canada we have only a few choices, you can live in the Vancouver area, weather just like Seattle, or in Southern Ontario, weather like Niagra Falls, or Detroit etc, certainly not California, but milder than the northern plains.
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