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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I do have a Mopar 8 1/4 inch 3.23 diff from an 80s Diplomat in the 1955 Fargo 1/2 ton 108 inch wheel base, and 251 with 4speed, dry clutch. Runs and performs well, no issues in take off from 2nd gear at any time., revs are a lot lower at 55-60 mph, than any 4.11 would be. I am currently running 27 inch tires. I live in flat country, so no big hills to deal with, performs very well with a 3.23 diff....
  2. very sorry to hear about this Ed, just isn't right. My Brother has been a paramedic for 20 years, unfortunately, He has seen too many dead children,including babies,child murder victims etc. I really beleive the long term effects on Him are quite severe, much worse than any of my prison work experiences.
  3. I do recall the Great Race:cool: versus Blue Skies in 2007, did you go to rehab after that.....
  4. Yup, employed my gasket hole punch kit, a harbourfright type. I punched the 2 holes, tthat seemed to work in my case. I may have also usedan exacto knife to finesse them a bit more to oem type slots, worked well in my case.......
  5. Glad you were still able to get out and do somehthing inyour heatwave. We are just pikers here at 88f, but that is hot forme, as rthis is up north as compared to Jojah......
  6. Hey Mackenzie, its 32 celsius, at my place,and very muggy, much like the mid western states ....
  7. I reckon, i can buy into that, unless it comes to gamblin, drinkin, and skirt chasin.....lol
  8. I dunno Don, sounds like an experience you might share with us. Does Lisa really no how much money the race flattie,set you back............LOL
  9. Happy July 1st to all Canadians and friends of Canadians on this board. Some pics of my ride into Selkirk Manitoba this morning, 6 miles from home. The weather is already hot, engine ran nice and cool, 160f, the rad on my retturn was good and warm but not hot, very big cooling systems on these cars. I am sure it would be running a lot hotter later today, doing some high speed driving. Some pics to enjoy....
  10. Pick-up with Whip Up.....
  11. Breaker One Nine, you got your ears on, Good Buddy, or are you 10-10 on the side.....
  12. Right on man , get her out driving in that California heat, and see how she does on the Santa Ana or some other freeway. Nuttin better than those first start ups,congrats....
  13. Gotta one of those Sears and Roebuck Lawn tractors, with a 16.5 HP Honda engine, but the dang frames are light duty, not sure It would handle it, the engine yes, the cheapo body????
  14. Fargo was put back to work again this morning. Had a beautiful mature Mugho Pine die, so pulled her out, no problem, Fargo Rated Wrok Truck....
  15. Has anyone given any consideration to the "Heat Riser", design, and it's ability to keep the carb heated up. Say if the heatriser is stuck, usually in the cold postion, that would heat up the carb big time ona hot day, would it not. Or if the heat riser flap was not seized, but still allows hot gases to move up ward, to some degree, allowing exhaust maniolf heat to heat up the carb. Is this design the cause of the problem? Was this a big issue back in the day, or is the modern ethanol blended fuel a problem, did old Leaded gasoline, have less problems in this regard. I am not saying I am having a big issue with this, but have had the hot start problems and gas boiling issues in hot weather. I do know my lawn trctor, and other small engine equipment, do not seem to have this issue, and those engines and surrounding areas get good and hot..
  16. Has anyone given any consideration to the "Heat Riser", design, and it's ability to keep the carb heated up. Say if the heatriser is stuck, usually in the cold postion, that would heat up the carb big time ona hot day, would it not. Or if the heat riser flap was not seized, but still allows hot gases to move up ward, to some degree, allowing exhaust maniolf heat to heat up the carb. Is this design the cause of the problem? Was this a big issue back in the day, or is the modern ethanol blended fuel a problem, did old Leaded gasoline, have less problems in this regard. I am not saying I am having a big issue with this, but have had the hot start problems and gas boiling issues in hot weather. I do know my lawn trctor, and other small engine equipment, do not seem to have this issue, and those engines and surrounding areas get good and hot..
  17. I do know that lacquer based paint, will diispate heat better than enamel paint, as it is thinner in film build. However, I do not have any empirical data to substantiate this hypothesis. The higher gloss, may seal better, or film build may be thicker, could that be a reasonable conclusion...
  18. Nuttin, He was elderly, His Son is running the gravel business now. Just thought it was odd, I go for gravel, nobody around, then go out to the pit, hear all the sirens, come back, and see cops, paramedics etc, then find out, old guy was dead, or died. Not what you expect when you go to a business, then find owner is dead....
  19. Went and got another load of sand today. Yesterday when I was getting the 1st load,the police and paramedic were on the scene on my departure. Foundout today the elder owner died at home that morning or overnight in his sleep,kinda strange ......
  20. After I picked up and today with my 55 fargo, the see-throughy fuel filter between fuel pump and carb, was bubbling. The filter was hot, so was the carb, the carb base weeping some fuel. The glass bowl on the fuel pump, and the see-through filter between the gas tank and fuel pump were just fine. So this carb was percolating, and the gas boiling or severly expanding, so what is the answer to this? I have lowered floats, moved fuel lines, gonna try close pins next......LOL
  21. Had to put the ole Girl to work today, very warm and muggy out. Drove to a local gravel pit, 6 miles from home for a load of sand. I hand shoveled my own load on, not a whole lot, was a bit leary of 1 bad rear spring. Engine ran at 175, clutch still slippin a bit, but the truck sure road smooth with the sand load on. Some pics for you to enjoy.
  22. Karl, maybe Bill Watson will chime in, or you could send him a PM, He is probably the Man with the absolute most knowledge on Mopar Production History and Facts. Maybe you got yourself a nice 251 or 265 there, can this engine be used without rebuilding?
  23. Karl, all Canadian built Mopar flathead 6s were 25 inch blocks. Now this engine ID number could be the same years Greg mentioned, just the Canuck version. I do know there are some 23.5 inch blocks in Canada, most likely imported from the USA at some point, someone I know has one of these. Too bad you weren't closer, there isa 265 industrial, close by, sittin on a welder....
  24. Here is the kind of weather that makes a carb boil, or may cause the Phantom Vapor Lock. Tonight was 90 in the shade at 8:00PM, was 102 in this ame spot in the sun at 5:00PM. I am not sure what the official temp for the area was today, but it is good and hot and muggy. I had my 47 Chrysler out for a nice drive this morning, was much cooler at 72, car ran and drove flawlessly cruisn at 60 mph and nice around town too. I hope everyone is havin a nice summer night....ps sorry to Southern Alberta, will try and send some of the heat to you, as it was only 57 their today
  25. As this is not my car, just doiing some body work and prep, for the Young Man. He has big aspirations for it, the 383 SBC stroker motor,etc. If it were mine I would see if Pat S, still has that 283 SBC and Powerglide, with the Pontiac embossed valve covers....
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