Thanx Shel, yes and no, same aquifer, does not always predict 1 way or the other, at least according to those with mulitple wells on property.
I have spent and tried many different filtration equipment, iron removers and softeners etc.
I am now using a 100000 grain Culligan softener, with 2 pre-filters, it works, but for how long, this stuff is brand new, and has had issues already.
My well is cased with galvanized casing,121 feet deep pump is set down about 30 feet, with a high tds, high iron, what do you all think might have happened to its insides over 23 years.
My current water, 6 PPM Iron, this has actually fluctuated between 4PPM and 10 + PPM, Hardness 65-80 grains, like cement water.
We plan to live here a long time, so spending the $3500 -$4500 for a new well is prudent in the long term. PVC casing is almost exclusively used by well drillers in this province, steel and galavanized have a life expectancy of what 30-40 years, I am approaching that with my well.
I have baffled even Culligan experts from Illinois with my well.
Most neighbouring wells have much better water, a couple have lousy water, in again old steel cased wells.
My huge softener regens 4-6 times per month, at 48 lbs of solar salt each time, not cheap, plus the Res acid treatment and pre-filters.
In our case moving is not an option at this point.
Again anyone with knowledge and experience please share, also going to search for forums on this topic, I have spent hours researching this topic, and am still scratching my head....thanx