Hey TR, you and I have had very little "dialoque", on this forum, and I really have no problem keeping it that way too, if you like.
I concur with RobertKB, in his statement that Tim Adams has helped many on this forum, with many different issues, myself included.
I have had Tim, assist me in troubleshootng very difficult problems from 2000 miles away, with many emails, phone callls and questions. When I needed a honeycomb rad for my Coupe, Tim drove an hour from home to get me a rad, then tested it, and packaged it "par excelence", and shipped it to me in Canada. So don't be blowing smoke that Tim, is only giving lip service on the board. He is straight up, and is 1 of our most knowledgable Gearheads on this Website.
I have said it before I will say it now, this is a "give and take" place, with a lot of old Friends, and lot of new members, we are a tightknit community, and you need to have a look at this, if you intend to hang here for a while. Not tellin you what to do, "just sayin"