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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Exactly, 1 of the reasons for this thread, an exchange of info,taste and suggestion. I respond well to suggestions, and most suggestions on this forum, are well meant and logical, some are not, there bias opinions, pardon the pun..
  2. Hey thanx for all the input and ideas. The rationale for this thread was not to give me any ideas on what I will be doing, just some discussion on the topic, not to ruffle any feathers or anything. I am like 48dodger, like many different colors etc, I like chrome reverse rims too,chrome smoothies and baby moons I wouldn't mind either. My truck travel's gravel roads, hauls things, goes to the garbage dump too. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.......Rockwood
  3. Hi Chris, they are L78 15s, which are a little bigger than what I need. The G78 15, or 750 15s would be fine. If you are going modern sizing, P235 75 15
  4. Well Dave, tires are stayin for now, have seen many trucks with WW tires, and they look great. The bias ply design of my tires look much better than radials on this application, whether WW or blacks.
  5. nah, truck is not a "highlander" package, mind you your car would look cool lowered and chopped....
  6. Great picture Ed, car looks good with black rims. This is a discussion Tim, not a permission request. No red rims for you. Paul, your truck looks good with the blue rims and patina combo...
  7. Hey all, just wondering what the "preferences" are with respect to rim color. Now it seems a lot of the Hot Rod world is using red rims, with bias ply white whites, and a lot of retro guys on here enjoy the color red for rims with either blackwalls or wide whites. I recently discovered some look at Red Rims in disgust and do not find them complimentary in anyway. I enjoy red rims on certain applications, it can and does look sharp on a lot of vintage type vehicles whether stock ,custom or hot rod. I have also read, that black rims were a 1950s thing, possibly with pinstriping on them, with a dog dish or baby moon caps. Once I paint the truck box this spring, may change rim color to body color to be determined at that time.
  8. Tire #2 took almost 5 oz to balance, some on front and some on rear, not overjoyed , but it's balanced. Tomorrow will do other 2 tires, and hope for the best...
  9. Nice pic Bob, looks like winter in Manitoba
  10. Today was at local shop I deal with had 05 Caravan trans fluid and filter service, but had a slight leak on pan. This morning I take in van and 1 wheel off 55 Fargo, had it put on there balancer machine, low and behold, it only required .5 oz, to balance. Now I had all 4 wheels and tires at work on a brand new state of the art balancer, and they could not be balanced. Now the Guy I had try this at work, obviously tried 1 or 2 tires, and then gave up. So will take all 3 to local shop, I do suspect I have 1 bent rim in the equation, but will find out tomorrow. This makes me happy, as I was going to try balancing beads, and hopefully the others will balance too...
  11. No thanx Robert, you can have the chinooks, early fall snow, late spring snow, and all the mess that comes with the melting snow. Once winter sets in, I prefer it cold enough to be dry on the roads, snow is drier too. You Albertans get these chinook breaks in winter, we have harder winter, but hotter summers and warm summer nights, that trade off I prefer.....all the best
  12. Don't complain if that is your worst temps for now. It was -31 f here yesterday morning, now about the same as you 26f....
  13. -31f yesterday morning, 26f right now, might hit 30f by days end
  14. No snowing for days, at least no accumulation. it was -30f this morning (record breaking for this date), dead still dry as the desert, and sunny. Went out side to do chores, does not feel much colder than 0f, it is so dry. The snow and ice is not wet or slippery at these temps, it is quite strange, gonna be close to 0 today, and 20 f tomorrow. i prefer cold dry to wet humid snow, or snow squalls and big storms like some areas get. This kinda cold and dry is safe to drive in, as long as your vehicle is in good shape, break downs in remote areas could be deadly. The heater in my 2005 Caravan, still gets stifling hot in these temps
  15. Greg, do yourself a favor, and install a shut off valve from tank hoseline to carb. i did this with my 1973 John Deere, and couldn't be happier. I once started to have the float bowl leaking, in middle of blizzard clean up, was able to control fuel to carb, thus allowing machine to finish the job. I shut off fuel supply to carb after every use......
  16. Hmmmmm, your's might have a few more brain cells left, cuz the dumb asses up here have their puntses hangin, even at -30
  17. You and Me both Brother. Now if this were part of the USA, would have moved south long ago......
  18. Chance, here is the real cold. Mopar engineering at it's best, 1955 Fargo truck 251 flathead going fora drive at about 5 below Fahrenheit, with a 18 below windchill factor. My daily driver is in the shop 2005 Caravan, getting a new intake gasket, leaking antifreeze, and a new rack and pinion as it is now leaking too, so much fun. Cold weather reeks havoc on all sorts of machinery. Our temps are well below seasonal norm, and I getting real sick of this quick. I warmed up the Fargo and went fora short cruise, maybe not the best idea, but she ran perfectly, and warmed up not bad too....The pics..
  19. Love the lights Paul, you sure are having fun with that old truck. Keep the pictures comin, be Merry, not scary, like some Scrooges are...
  20. -14f with a -25f windchill as I write this -25c -37c windchill
  21. Hi Mike, drag link is good and tight, was an NOS part. The truck handles quite well even with bias ply tires. Hey try bias on rutted ridged frozen gravel, you'll know about steering..... ps toe in measured by me is approx 1/8 toe-in, will get an alignment is spring
  22. The heater is great , had fun with this today.
  23. Merle it's all limestone gravel based roads. The main highways are only a few minutes away. I stay off the highways this time of the year, and do not go into the city, salted roads up the yin yang..
  24. Hank, I dwelled in the concrete city for the 1st 43 years of my life....
  25. Here we go a drive around my district, steering quality test, so on topic. I know some might cringe driving in snow, but there is no salt used on these roads, it is actually getting quite cold, it's frozen. Enjoy the ride along... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-7kqcs3V8k&feature=youtu.be
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