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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Mike I already know how ohms law and amperage varies 6 volts versus 12 volts. I really do. i am on a fact finding mission to discover what gauge was used for the 12 volt application. I really don't care what amount of current it measures, just if it were changed to accommodate the switch to 12 volts. thanx for your post and concern, this post was not meant to educate Me on ohms law and the differences in 6 or 12 volts, just what was possibly changed by Chrysler....
  2. Yes, this is not the ?, my 47 Chrysler had a 30 amp gauge, was it a factory 12 volt system, of course not, so why did it not have a 50 or 60 amp, hey everything is double the amperage, as you so astutely explained.
  3. No it does not answer my?at all, but thanx for trying. The only point of this thread and ? is this. Apparently from info I read on another website, Mopar used a 50 amp gauge for the pre 1956 6 volt systems in Dodge trucks, and 30 amp gauges for 12 volt systems for 1956 or later. I am asking this question to those who can confirm this or refute this, nothing more nothing less. Thanx Dave, and those are my thoughts too. Not sure why this info suggest a lower amp rated gauge for the newer 12 volt systems from 1956 and later...
  4. Hey all, my amp gauge in the Fargo is a 50- to +50, is this indicaitve of a 6 volt system, or a 12 volt system. I was doing some searching on this topic in Google, and came across a website, that stated 12 volt systems had 30 amp gauges and 6 volt systems used 50 amp gauges. Now I understand the rationale for the higher amp draw with a 6 volt system, but would not the regulator and genny determine the flow of current, ie a 6 volt 30 amp genny, now I do not know how many amps the 12 volt gens normally were, as I have an alternator on mine. So if anyone knows the answer can you enlighten Me......
  5. Thanx Tim
  6. I have tested the gauge\e on 12 volts already, without any ill effects. I used a GM sender, and jump wired to gauge, it did work, in the opposite direction though, as the sender is GM an old 60s style, might be 0-90 ohm
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all in the good ole US of A, and any others observing US thanksgiving around the globe. It's not thanksgiving here north of the border, but black Friday insanity is in full force. I would like to experience Thanksgiving and black Friday, once in my life in the USA, maybe when i retire. Seems you folks really celebrate a lot for this Holiday.......enjoy those turkeys
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all, in the good ole USA and any others observing the US thanksgiving. Black Friday insanity has started already here in Canada, today is not thanksgiving in Canada, but the retailers take full advantage of Black Friday sales marketing. this a relatively new phenomena up here. Now Boxing Day Dec 26th sales are entrenched in many years of tradition here In Canada...
  9. yes the resistor is cheap, but so am I......LOL 1956 was the 1st year for 12 volts, in these trucks, what did the factory do in this case? thanx Hank
  10. Hmmmmm, 37 views, and no replies, must be a juggernaut of a question...........LOL I did the search, I know Coatney did not use any voltage dropper for his gas gauge, and it works fine....
  11. Hey all, my truck is a combo of 1952/55/56 Dodge and Fargo trucks components. The chassis, and drivetrain were a 55, but it came with a 12 volt 56 starter, so it became a 12 volt for Me right there and then. All is okay, using a GM 10SI 1 wire alt, again no problems whatsoever. I currently do not have the gas gauge hooked up, or the water temp gauge hooked up. I am using a mechanical water temp gauge, but have the the stock electrical gauge and sender ready to go. How many of you have not used resistors in line, I have tested these gauges on 12 volt without a problem, do I really need a Runtz voltage dropper for these 2 gauges?....thanx
  12. I have seen master cylinders leak internally and brake pedal hits the floor, when all else in the equation checks out. The MC piston rubber has no effective seal, in bore, then pushes right pat fluid, this can happen. replace suspect wheel cyls, if the hoses and lines are in very acceptable condition, then it 's your call, if not, a no brainer order new hoses, very cheap at Rock auto. Replace these items, bleed brakes and adjust, they can be very tricky to adjust, but they can certainly be done to a very acceptable level without the Ammco or Miller brake adjusting tools. Good luck, check the MC reservoir tonight and let us know whats happening. Either go all new, or piece it together. The disc brake kit is not a bad idea, but if you are comparing the cost of the kit and parts, versus 2 new wheel cyls, brake shoes, drums machined, and new brake hoses, $500 versus about $200 or less...
  13. yes those are neat colored eggs, or the Cukoo Marans with chocolate colored egg shells. My hens lay plain old white and light brown, but they be good eats..
  14. What color are the eggs?Tym
  15. Sounds like a plan on those brake items. Points are just fine, keep a spare set, and if they fail on the road, easy fix and your good to go. Not necessarily the same for the Pertronix, some love em,some hate em. I have no issues with points, would like to convert to a dual point dizzy, like Don C did. Get a a new coil, staying with 6 volt is fine, but make sure your starter is up to the task, and some quality 2/0 batttery cables, a genny and reg in good working order, or a GM 10SI alternator with a 6 volt pos grnd regulator built into it, abut $100. Good luck
  16. I like this idea, what about Guys like me who live on dusty gravel roads? Those grease covered springs will have a layer of limestone dust in no time..
  17. Interesting thread Jeff. This going to be your only vehicle huh, that is very cool....
  18. 30-32 psi when I had radials, 26 psi with bias plys on now
  19. Belize, Venezuela, Paraguay or how about the Gulf States, maybe Truth or Consequences New Mexico. Montana or Wyoming, nice Big Sky, open land, fresh air, sparsely populated...
  20. Exactly, needed to take the focus off my crappy body panels and paint, keep there eyes on the spinning red rims and WW tires, kinda hypnotizing...........LOL
  21. Yes, but having said this, I think I got extremely lucky, and did the same for the MC. Personally would not do that again, because I always worried about them, and did have a wheel cyl weep a bit. Either buy new, or get what you have sleeved and be good forever. I did the above on my 47 Chrysler I used to own. My Fargo truck has new wheel cyls, MC weeped bit, so replacing it with new or sleeved and new kit. Buy new hoses, and new lines, get it all right, and will last a long time. I am not sure what the average success rate is with wheel and mc rebuilding at home with new kits....
  22. I dunno either Tim, could be Me, live in the country and all, and yes I do have hubcaps, helps cover up the abortion look you mentioned. Now the truck is baby blue, was thinking of white rims actually, but not sure how that would play out with the WW tires. Or body colored blue, and blackwall radial tires. Anyway, not a huge concern at the moment...... PS, you didn't actually think I was referring to you as a Redneck did yah......
  23. Is this a Redneck thing?
  24. How about Devils Lake North Dakota, or Hibbings Minnestoa, now there is some real wide open spaces in those areas, and planty of fresh cold air..............LOL I hear yah on the Californisplosion, but been that way since WW2, hasn't it? I figure some of those orange groves and strawberry fields I saw near Disneyland in Anaheim in 1973, do not exist anymore. Hey what ever happened to that bumper sticker slogan, Welcome to California now go HOME. Was there not a huge exodus to the Seattle area from all points including California, where there population has exploded too. I could handle Juneau Alaska, beautiful, and on the balmy side for a northern place, gotta like long days of summer and shorter days of winter I suppose. Pictured is Winnipeg Manitoba pop 800000 or so, not exactly New York, but not Bugtussle Tenn either. A very rough city in some ways, loads of core are street gang activity, well it is my Hometown, live 18 miles north of the city limits
  25. How about parts of Idaho or Washington State.Won't be Arizona climate, but very beautiful country, New Mexico, has some appeal to me too... The kind of wide open spaces is a very small part of this province, 60% of Manitoba is boreal forest, and the southern tip is much like Kansas and Nebraska, or North Dakota and Minnesota.
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