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Now I see the problem..the P.O. in Alaska got the zip code wrong ..was to be sent to Canada to begins with..yes I know you don't have zip codes in Canada...need I say more....lol

It is very nice out..sunshine and blue skies...not at all like I thought today would be..not raining at all....so much for the weather man and his 90%...90%that he would not get anwywhere close to a real prediction.


south East Kansas here, (about an hour from Joplin ) we got at least 1' of snow with some drifts about 3',high, 35 degrees today, freezing tonite, 35 to 40 tommorrow, not bad I know , but it's STILL NOT WARM!!!!.....


I'd prefer a winter temp of 60 to 65 during the the day and 40 to 50 at night and a relative humidity of 50%. This way you could cruise all winter long with our old cars and it's still not too hot like it is in summer, nice cool nights for sleeping, snow, blowing snow and cold is not conucive to cruising an old classic. I do like snow just before and during Christmas, but it can go on New Years Day, I am definatley living in the wrong climate region,LOL..........Fred


when I was leving in Texas ( a year and a half ago ) it used to be 50 to 60 everyday, only down to 29 maybe twice a year. Had a "Friday Nite Cruise" just about every week. HERE, in Kansas it's about 7 degrees this morningn !!!!!!!!!!! May as well live in Canada! Three foot snow drifts, can't get the car out of shop, can't get a project car in either !!! Ready for spring!!!!


Knighthawk, not all of Canada is full of snowdrifts. Toronto has no snow, and Vancouver and Victoria on the west coast hardly ever have snow in the winter. It could be worse, just look at a map of North America, find Kansas and go straight north to North Dakota and then even straight north into Manitoba. Now we here will have to put up with winter and snow till April, no problem , just pull out the snowlower clear the snow and get the cars in and out, I even had my 48 Chrys out on the driveway yesterday. LOL.Fred


Hi, just think of all the icefishing skiing and snowmobiling you could here and warming up to nice fire in the stove, hehehe. It's a long winter up here, cheer up you will probably lose your snow and it will probably be a lot warmer than here and your Spring will be in early March lol, the pic is about 5 minutes from my house, this was taken last January.............Take it easy Fred


Well Rockwood, I do have a confession to make. I grew up in Minn and Wisc, and snowmobiles ( had '69 Muscaro and '71 Ski whiz ). BUT, I left there 10 years ago, hoping to leave all that ! What's stange, is , "up north" they have snow removal equip and get all plowed out in a day or two. Texas , we only had to wait til noon, and it all melted. Here in Kansas, they must only have one road grader in the county, cause it's been , what, three days now, town 12 miles away is still snowed in ! Forecast 15 degrees tonite, 30 tommorrow, I guess I just got spoiled living in Texas............ BUT, I do miss the sking!!!


Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba, have great snow removal equipment, even our country road which is a school bus route gets immediate attention after the storm, the Municipality (aka County) we live in gets on it right away. You if you had a 4 whl drive quad, these machine with a blade on the front make great snow removal equipment, my neighbour has one and I have watched him move snow over 3ft high like nothing.........Fred welcome aboard by the way, did you fill out a profile yet


I always thought ice fishing looked like fun.

Hi, just think of all the icefishing skiing and snowmobiling you could here and warming up to nice fire in the stove, hehehe. It's a long winter up here, cheer up you will probably lose your snow and it will probably be a lot warmer than here and your Spring will be in early March lol, the pic is about 5 minutes from my house, this was taken last January.............Take it easy Fred

I always thought a four wheeler would be nice, never thought about it a snow removal thing, Also would be handy around this "farm " .Sounds like a good excuse to look in to it.and Christmas is comming, You think if I tell the wife " WE really need one " maybe.....................hmmmmmmmmmm.


Hey Knighthawk lets get this straight. The cold front has originated from Alaska, last time I checked it still belonged to you guys. Actually when we get our most miserable winter storms and blizzards they originate out of Colorado, we get Colorado lows a few times each winter. The next few days in Southern Manitoba we are expecting night time lows to -6, but by the weekend were looking at day time highs of 32 f. Its 7 above right now, yesterday it was sunny no wind and about 25 above, it was a beautiful winter day. So Knighthawk, what do you do when life deals you lemons, you make lemonade. I think you should buy a nice quad, with a blade of course to move snow when you get it, and you can go cruising and enjoy the scenery. I have a friend in Yucaipa California, he was rasied in Witchita Kansas, he used to tell me they sometimes had hard winters, his family moved to the LA area in 1964 when houses were cheap and jobs were plentiful. I feel the same way you do when in April or even May, when it's been nice we get a big dump of snow. So hang in there, will send you some Ear muffs if you like, hehehe. Take care from the "True North, Strong, and Free Canadians"......................................Rockwood Fred


It was down right chilly here past couple eveings..slight frost on the car windshield..supposed to hit low 20's by Friday..not looking forward to that for sure..last evening though was nice till the sun set..then its like the freezer door was left open. I may have to shift my wagon to the right a bit and fire up the wood burner in the shop. Basically working small parts..something I can start and finish in an evening. Last night I did steering wheel for the Triumph..I know..but it was laying about and needed to get some attention and put aside.


I guess I owe you an apoligy, Cananda ! Just heard from my friends in Texas, they said they had 19 degrees, now this guy in Georgia says so too,.. SO, I guess it's not just here. BUT , I think , IF these are comming from Colorado, there ought to be a way you all could keep ' em headed straight NORTH !!! .............................stay warm........


No apology needed of course. When it gets warm just give us the credit ;)

Talk about loony weather. Last week it was 40 bloody below with a north wind. Tomorrow the forecast is for 55f and maybe 60f on Friday.

I go from the heater not heating to working with the garage door open in the space of a week.


Glad to hear you guys are getting some warm weather . I know where the cold went ! That's right ! ........ HERE ! ....... Right now ( 10:30) almost the middle of the day, it' 19 degrees with wind chill of 0 !................ I wonder if that member from the Caribbean has room for a house guest, may be he could use a mechanic for a while .........................


Not so great In Southern Manitoba at this moment, it's about 10 above and a cold south wind. Tomorrow and Saturday were looking at highs of 32 to 39, which is pretty good for us. In southern Alberta they get Chinooks, which is very warm pacific air that travels over the Rockies, by the time it gets this far East of the rockies it's fizzled out a lot, just like you guys in Kansas Oklahoma Missouri, you don't get the warm air like California, Arizona and the Pacific region. Yesterday was so Darn cold, I was putting up a few more Christmas Lights on my garage, and every time I took off my gloves my skin would be freezing in about 2 minutes, even though it was about 7 above there was a strong north wind. I did have my garage at a toasty 65 degrees, it is well insulated and I have to small electric furnaces in there, I would like to get one of those waste oil furnaces, they look very interesting.............Fred


your car looks pretty rust free !Today I got my 4-wheel drive Jeep fixed, ( after a trip to the local welding shop, to get a shifter fork welded ) and fianlly out of my shop, the snow has gone down and what's left is frozen . I was able to get my "donor car " inside (" 85 5th ave ), so I can start stripping it. Got the wood furnace in the house going and the small wood stove in the shop going. So ! I guess it's not so bad after all ........now I'm warm, got my project..............................things are looking up !

Guest usedmind

We are officially up to .3 inches of snow in West Lafayette, IN. I can't wait till next week when people start headng home from school here and they make there way to their cars they havent started in weeks. Parking breaks frozen and dead batteries. Always a fun sight leaving campus for home!

A little more than a week then back home for christmas break and time to work on the P15.


Sounds like a serious picket line Alan. In downtown L.A. where I work, people picket wildly for maybe an hour or less when the TV news crews show up for their sound bites, then they pretty much all leave.:confused:

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