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Here are some pictures of my truck after the wreck today on the way into work.

The car that hit me was a Mitsubishi Eclipse and since he was slamming on his brakes he was going only approx. 45 MPH on impact. I was stopped waiting on traffic at the stop light. He knocked my truck forward and I stuck the back of the vehicle in front of me. The lady in front got out and took a look at her truck, got back in and drove away. She must not of had insurance because there had to be damage to her truck also?

When he hit me the seat I was in broke and my head hit the rear window and broke the glass and the base of my skull hit the frame of the rear window. The box was actually pushed forward and hit the cab of the truck and the tailgate will not open now. I got a nice ride downtown in the back of an ambulance and got to spend 5 hours in emergency.

I had CAT scans and X-rays but everything appears to be in order. I am getting sore and stiff and taking Vicodin for the pain. The base of my skull is very tender at this point. And there are some small cuts on the back of my head from the glass but nothing needing stitches. Hate to sound like I am bitchin since it could have been worse! If I was not built so tough I could have been paralyzed this morning. It is amazing how much life can change in such a short time!

It looks like they may total my truck? Since it is older I will play hell finding a replacement for it for what they are saying it is worth. Since I am 6'6" I need a truck I can fit in and I also need it to have a hitch and a V-8 to be able to tow my old cars. The only positive thing is I have rental insurance and his insurance (Safeco) will have to pay for a rental until I find a replacement?









Lee glad it sounds like you will be ok. Be glad you were in a truck and not a weenie car. I remind myself of that everytime I think of getting something smaller with better MPG


How old is the truck? It looks like a fairly recent Dakota. I think I might make a stink with Dodge about the seat breaking. They are part and parcel of the Safety cacoon of modern car design. Much like crumple zones, windshields and their fastening systems. Seat belts and Seats are critical. Having one fail in a rear end colision is a big deal. If the seat had remained intact, as hopefully it is degigned to do, you would not have your base of skull/neck injury.

Glad you are not seriously injured, hope you can get a reasonable replacement for your truck. Make sure you take a couple days off to rest and take your pain killers and anti inflamatory. Much damage to the front???

Most Insurance companies figure 75% of book less the deductable, if yer close you get totaled?


Lee glad to see your okay.

I agree with Greg and it probably will not be totaled. One thing you could do if they write to fix it is to fix the things you need to drive it and pocket the rest of the cash. Always an option sometimes people don't know they have. Being an older truck may be something you would want to do.

Greg, as an adjuster I've seen many seats break on rear impacts. Usually a pretty common thing on hard hits. Always have to consider the size of the passenger, etc. Unfortunately the manufacturer will not do anything about it.


Gee that really reassuring!! I guess then I would definitely steer away from those GM cars with the seat belts in the seats.........

Well if Lee elects to get this one fixed at least he can get a new inadequately made seat.


I have to concur w/ those that say your truck will not be totalled. Except for needing to replace the broken glass and beef up the body to re-attach the seat it looks better than my old Jeep. :)

I don't know about Iowa law, but when I lived in Minnesota (no-fault state) had there been no personal injury both parties would have shaken hands and driven away. The increased cost in insurance premiums for both parties would have been greater than the repair costs, especially when the deductible is considered.

Because of the accident, Safeco will more than likely drop the guy that hit you. They dropped me 15 years ago, because of a few traffic tickets in an old Eldorado I used to drive. Rode like a cloud and didn't realise that I was exceeding the posted speed limit on a wide open country road until I met the local roadside tax collector (aka. police officer).

I am proud to say that I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in over 14 years, but have had some roadside discussions about turn signal and taillight brightness in my P15 last year. I think it had more to do w/ me running for office than any problems with vehicle visibility and safety.

Gee that really reassuring!! I guess then I would definitely steer away from those GM cars with the seat belts in the seats.........

Well if Lee elects to get this one fixed at least he can get a new inadequately made seat.

Usually the seat does not break in half or the seat mount fail. What happens is that the back of the seat may break from the force of stopping and your body being driven backwards. Recliner seats are the culprits, but almost all cars have seats that recline in them these days.

The splines usually strip out and you have to either replace them with a used seat or a new one if available.

My Dakota has a solid headrest that would keep my head from hitting the window and I thought the older models did too. Although I had a '93 with a bench seat once that had a small headrest and would not protect your head from hitting the back window.


Lee didn't say what year it was that I saw but dodge started that style in 97. If its 10 years old or close to it that could easily be totaled. You've got damage to the both bumpers the box the back of the cab the seat and window. Doesn't take much to add up to 80%

Lee didn't say what year it was that I saw but dodge started that style in 97. If its 10 years old or close to it that could easily be totaled. You've got damage to the both bumpers the box the back of the cab the seat and window. Doesn't take much to add up to 80%

It's a 97! Yes I am very worried they will total it since I can not replace it for what the book value is. also the trailer hitch is pointing ath the ground and that is not a good sign. I have had the truck since 99 so I like the old workhourse too. I did not get to see the damage to the other guys car but it could not have been good since I still had my reciever hitch in place.

It is a ratcheting seat and I am well over 300lbs so that is where it gave way and at 6'6" the headrest just does not go high enough to support my head properly. I also just gave myself a nice new haircut tonight since I kept finding tiny chunks of glass in my scalp

I am sure I will gets pains in muscles I forgot I had in the next few days also.


Lee remember just because its totaled doesn't mean it cant be fixed and you have to give it to them. You can always buy it back from them and you will get the replacement value minus the salvage value.


Sorry to hear about the accident, Lee. Glad you didn't get hurt any worse. Yes, you will be even more sore on Friday. It doesn't seem to take a lot to

total a 97 model these days. But Ed is right....you can buy it back for the salvage price and take what is left over to spend on repairs. That is, if you think it will be satisfactory again. Depends on what the damage is to the frame and some other things. If the truck is valued at, say, $3500 or $4500 then it won't take much to total it based on today's body shop costs. If you know of any smaller body shops that work cheaper than the large shops, and their work is OK....then you might get that place to do the repairs. Unfortunately you have to be realistic about the vehicle value as a used truck in the marketplace.

If it's low mileage, extra clean, has real new tires or such, then try to point that out.....they might throw in just a bit extra. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.


Lee, sorry to hear about your accident. Good to hear you came out of it without any real serious injuries. You probably will be sore though. I had a bad one back in the 60's and only got a few bruises and scratches. However, every muscle in my body was sore for several days or a week afterward.

Know what you mean about your truck too, and may not be able to find as good of a replacement for the insurance money you'll get. I'd be in about the same boat if something should happen to my 95 Lumina Van. It only has 80,000 miles on it and looks and runs great. Since the bodies on those are the resin bodies I'm sure I could find one that looks as good. However, I'd really have a hard time finding one that ran as good with about the same mileage on it, at any price.

Take it easy for now and hope you're feeling better soon. After all, your life is more important than the truck. The important thing is, you came out of it.


Lee, sorry to hear about this but as others have said the main thing is you are ok. And also thank you for the info on the Binder DeSotos. I followed it closely. I particularly like the 56s as I had one and have fond memories of the back seat:) . Take it easy for awhile, Brendan

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