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I had the pleasure of meeting Don C today !

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Don Coatney came for a visit today all the way from San Francisco. It must have been a 3 hour drive one way. He's a really great guy and I'm very honored and flattered that he took the time to come all the way up here for a visit. Thanks Don! It was good meeting you.

Oh yeah.....sorry the lady in the little gps box got ya lost towards the end of the trip. Norm.......No ;)



I didn't take Don for a ride in an old car but we did go down the hill to my junk yard in my Dakota for a look. I would have taken him for a ride in the 38 Dodge coupe but he had a lot of driving ahead of him to get the rental car back to S.F in time.

I'm not sure yet on the color for the coupe but I'm leaning towards going back to the original medium blue. Maybe even two tone.



I was honored to finally meet you. I did make it back in time with a whole twenty minutes to spare. I will post the collection of pictures I took soon. Very nice visit and a very enjoyable day even though the lady in the box sent me into the mountains. It was a fun drive and I had to use the moss on the trees to find my way out. Had I driven my P-15 up those remote mountain roads I dont think I would have had an oil pan left that would still hold oil. Benefit of rental cars is you can drive them anywhere:cool:

Bob T;

You flunked the Dementia quiz. I did buy a new coat but you missed the boat on Maynard G. Krebs



Oops.....must be my failing eyesight, Don.:)

Your personal acquaintance list is growing.....James, Marty, and Reg....sounds like about as much fun as a person could handle.


Hey Don.....

Man, didn't know you were going to leave the SF area while you were out here, let alone drive up and see Reg. I'd have invited you over my way cause Reg and I probably only live about 45 minutes from each other. Is that right Reg? Well, anyway, if you decide to make another run.....let me know. Your more than welcome to stop and visit, have some lunch and see the old Dodge.


Man, there's a whole lotta bull in that pic...:D

Don- when is your job gonna take you to Idaho?



I dont thenk there is a Federal Reserve Bank in the entire state if Idaho. Not much else there from what I hear:cool: I might get o Helena, Montana sometime. How far are you from there?

You are in the San Francisco district.

About the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

One of twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks across the U.S. that, together with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., serve as our nation's central bank. Areas Served:







Nevada Oregon



American Samoa


Northern Mariana Islands Los Angeles


Salt Lake City

San Francisco



The largest District, it covers 36 percent of the nation's landmass, ranks first in the size of its economy, and is home to approximately 20 percent of the nation's population.

I just checked and Helena, Montana is in the Minneapolis district.



Hopefully it will be warm when you come! not much to see if its still winter

...Not much else there from what I hear:cool:

And that's just the way we like it...


I might get o Helena, Montana sometime. How far are you from there?

I'm about 6 1/2 hours from Helena, if you take the non-scenic route. The scenic route is about 50 miles shorter, but takes about 2 hours longer to drive...:D and worth it.

clicky for map of the direct route


Not sure Ed but when I do I will look you up and you can take that to the bank:cool:

Hey Don, can I tag along if and when you show up in the Twin Cities?? We have talked on the Inliners forum....52er there.

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