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1955 dodge Kingsway in Australia wrong engine

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Hello to all my name is Dan im in Australia and recently purchased a 1955 dodge Kingsway from Victoria and shipped it home to Perth WA car was a good runner but leaks oil from everywhere so i pulled out the engine and removed the cylinder head only to discover the bore and stroke to be different from the service manual specs, it appears I have a 251 cubic inch engine with a bore of 3 7/16 and a stroke of 4 1/2 inch with 030 thou oversize pistons and crankshaft machined 020 thou on mains and bigends.all journals are good and cylinders only need a light hone problem is I cannot identify this engine, engine number is V610300P   VIN NUMBER D49S4931   SERIAL NUMBER 7892995 I'm not sure if this is a kew engine from England or a Chrysler or a dodge and that makes ordering parts a bit tricky as the crankshaft journals are 2 1/2 inch mains and 2 1/8 big ends and differ from the 230 and 237 cubic inch engines If anyone could shed a little light on this subject i would be very grateful, I am new to this site and not very computer savvy so i hope this works thankyou to all in the Mopar community cheers Dan

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What a pretty,pretty car! I am eaten alive with envy!


As for your engine,I am guessing it is just a 251 Chrysler engine. That's what the Plymouths in Canada had in them back then.


Hello Dan. Glad you made your way from Allpar. Hopefully those here will know what is what. You might PM Andydodge and ask him directly as well as the general membership Your car looks great.


Dan.............just sent a PM to you but for those on this site.............as far as I know no Oz mopars actually got a 237 capacity engine we had the various 23" sized engines ie, 201,217 or 230 or the 25" engines in 218,228 or 250(251)  capacities and we even had BOTH 23 and 25 inch engines in the SAME year depending on what gearbox was ordered, ie.............the standard 3 speed came behind the 230 but if you ordered the Overdrive or Powerflite gearbox you got a 228 or depending on the year the 250.........so its a bit of a dogs breakfast here.............as for engine parts, as a rule I'd go on the engine family, ie...........as its a 25" engine then a gasket set as well as bearings for that engine family "should" be correct BUT I'd pull the engine apart and measure everything then order what is needed.........also I would be very careful using the "KEW" terminology with any US company as this term was dreampt up only here in Oz and will only confuse the Yanks..............lol...........

.....have you tried Jim Robinson in Victoria for parts?...........03 5345 4094 or jrobinson @giant.net.au 

...........regards Andy Douglas

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Hi Andy thankyou for the info I have ordered bearings and rings from the states for a 251 Chrysler as they suggest this is the same engine and i hope it all fits perhaps ill never know where this engine came from it is a 25 inch block and couples to a 2 speed power flite auto and thank you for the parts info ill give that a go cheers mate


Dan...........did the pm come thru?..........andyd


hello and welcome from Tasmania  , dam nice looking car you have there hope you get your engine fixed soon and enjoy


Dan, Your car looks like the 1954 Dodge Mayfair that sold in Canada...Like the US Plymouth Belvedere body only with Dodge trim. Very nice looking car,I'm sure you will enjoy owning it...



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