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Frame and Floor Painting Update

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Hi all, here are a few updates of my undercar painting. I have a coat of paint on these areas now, the 2 sides of the car, the back seat right to the back of the car. I still need to do another coat, hit the missed spots, then seam seal all the joints, etc. I know it is not a show car quality, it was tough to do all of these chores, body on, especially some of the metal repairs. This is my first kick at the can, I have learned a lot, made lots of mistakes:o , and would not do it like this again, but I will plug away and finish under this car, over the next several days. My rocker repair, floor repair, is not of the best quality, the supports look a little bush league:eek: , but everything is strong and secure, so I guess that the point, :P no one will go under there anyways...........Fred





As my dearly departed father in law used to say "It's a mean man, indeed, who looks under the sink!" Looks great Fred, your under wear is much more in order than mine.


Looks good, Fred. I did a body off restoration on my '38 Chrysler and would not want to go there again. You are doing exactly what I did to my '48 D25 except you are doing a better job. I have yet to have anyone look at my car and then check it out underneath.:P Keep up the good work!


Thanx everyone for your comments, This is and was a long tedious/dirty job. As I mentioned, I still have to do another coat of paint o the areas in the picture. The center area of the floor, from the inner frame areas, where the trans tunnel is, will be next. This area would be very easy, it is flat and will be a breeze to paint with a sponge roller. But here is some old grease/dirt sludge on the area around the trans. I will be scraping this off, washing with mineral spirits, wirebrushing the floor, I also give it a scuff with 120 sandpaper, thewn paint it all. After that is done, I will seam seal every joint and seam, and hopefully that will be it, I may need to strengthen a few of the supports to make the DMV people happy, but hopefully not.Fred

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