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I sat at my computer in the AC drinking fresh cup of coffee enjoying the quiet and just kicking back ................sure yours was bit more fun......I did shoot a diller last night.....the other one ran to the neighbors yard...exit...stage right.  Yes, often always travel in pairs.  


armadillo...as much as I hate to do this they are very destructive...they dig big holes while searching out grubs and what not and do not fill in said holes before daybreak......pockmarking the yard and second if you not careful they will burrow under shrubs and other attachments to your yard/home and if not careful you can easily wrench an ankle while running a hedger etc as your eye is on the shrub not the ground where they conceal their burrow entrance....and yes they hide the dirt often where you cannot spy their activity.   No one I know of like these leprosy carrying vermin....they are a nuisance on the highway.....they have been know to break engine mounts and damage grilles as their first defense at surprise is to jump straight up in the air....at 55mph imagine the damage from a rock solid critter of 10+ pounds.  Perhaps, I could ship you a few of these to try out for pets in your yard?


Don, that is brilliant! If you get good at wrenching like that you wouldn’t have to get down on that damn creeper. Thanks for the tip.?

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