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Troubleshooting problem

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Howdy folks,

I have this problem with starting my 46 Deluxe, when I try to start it it starts at high revs then sputters out if I give it gas it sputters out. Some history, I drove it into the workshop, the only thing I did was rebuild the carb so all electrics are not in question here. The carb work and settings were all done by the instructions provide in the kit. I'm hoping it is a simple adjustment. If anyone has an idea or advise please reply. Thanks, RFC 


"I'm hoping it is a simple adjustment."


Likely not.

If you drove it in and it was running ok, then removed, rebuilt and re-installed the carburetor it is likely the carb rebuild or installation is at fault.

By 'sputters out' do you mean that the engine dies, no matter what you do?


The sequence of things I'd check would be:

1. Visual inspection of installation.

2. Inspect fuel delivery to carburetor while cranking.

3. If 1-2 check ok, remove the carburetor and inspect the rebuild, making sure everything operates as required such as throttle plate, float, ball valves, accelerator pump, linkage, choke, etc.


Visual inspection appears okay, no leaks

Inspection of fuel delivery to carb, no leaks. Now when I look down from the top and work the gas pedal I do not see any fuel being sprayed into the carb. Might be a problem, what do you think?

I will remove and double check all settings again tomorrow and let this forum know the results. Thanks.


... Now when I look down from the top and work the gas pedal I do not see any fuel being sprayed into the carb. Might be a problem ... 

Did you soak the leather accelerater pump in oil before installation ? It is ether that or there isn't enough gas getting to the bowl . The orfice could be plugged too , the one that feeds  the accelerator pump , it is very small . 


did you put the correct steel ball in the correct location. If you have a ball and Ball carb there were two small steel balls did you put them back into the correct holes or did your insertt the wrong one in the wrong hole?????


Rich HArtung


" I do not see any fuel being sprayed into the carb. Might be a problem"

I agree.


That would indicate the accelerator pump is not working. Besides the things other pointed out, such as the balls and leather, make sure to check the actual jet orifice at the top of the carb. You need to remove the aluminum plug at the top portion of the carb to get at the jet and passageway, and some folks neglect to do this. Pull the little plug and remove the jet completely and clean thoroughly before re-installing. The rebuild kit should have a new plug to install. I like to seal the plug with a little fuel lube or Permatex tack and seal.


Did you pullthe venturi tube out of the carb body and if you did, did you use the correct carter tool to do this. This is a very very thin brass tube and if it is not removed and install correctly can also cause issues.. Most home rebuilder do not take this tube out becasue they do not have the proper tools and just spray Carb cleaner up the tube hole to clean it out.


Just another thought.


Rich HArtung


  • Solution

Hello all,

First I would like to thank all who provide ideas and\or advise. It seems that the fuel pump has gone out. I pulled the outlet side off of the pump and turned the engine over for about a minute or so (safely of course) and nothing comes out. Then I checked the inlet side, lots of fuel going in and I did check the carb this morning I found the ball behind the screw cap was stuck so fixed that. Again thanks to all of you. Unless the fuel pump replacement does not correct the problem this issue is answered. 

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