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Posted (edited)

Cool place.   There seem to be numerous facilities around the country, including one in Grandview, MO and another

we've been to in Bella Vista, AR............that are used as event centers decorated with old cars for the customers to

wander amongst.  Have heard of others.  Anyone else know of a similar type place?  



[Armacost museum event center, Grandview..........http://petersoncarmuseum.com/Museum.htm]


[some cars at Simple Pleasures in Bella Vista.............https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/1383093_590352141012403_2084150031_n.jpg?oh=ab9e13ebe6fecffb4abfbe6a8512983c&oe=554314C2&__gda__=1430363647_f2c690a68fe54bd35bfedc80976ca416]

Edited by BobT-47P15

We have a place here that's a combination event center and consignment place. The event area is setup like an old town.


Huh! I've been living half an hour from the one in Bella Vista and I've never heard of it- I've seen the front of the building, but never any cars. Looks like a neat place.


AWESOME video!!!


Is it possible for someone to start a list on a page with all of the cool places across the country placed in a nice list on one page.  I think we could have fun touring these like you would doing a poker run for HOG chapters.  I don't have a clue how to organize a page on this (heck I don't even know how to send this video to freinds) but next summer a few of us are taking a roadtrip. Pioneer Auto Musuem in Murdo SD and now Okoboji Classic cars will be on our list to do.  I belong to 2 historical societies and get heavily involved in building building and props for them, it amazes me of the detail these guys put into there museums.


Very cool.  Thanks for sharing.  Todd B


There is a place near me(about an hour away) The Volo Auto Museum that has cars on consignment with a similar but not so extensive experience. Kind of nice to go there one in a while.

Been there a couple times. Cool place

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