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50 plymouth toe board /gas pedal install???

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Had to take out the toe board on the 50 plymouth station wagon. got the gas pedal and the lever to the throttle linkage installed on the toe board. Now the question is how do you install it- any suggestions most welcome


Keith, what did you use for insulation around that panel?

Joe, I went to Home Depot and found foam weather striping that was close to the original size and also made sure it had tape on one side to secure it. Has held up well so far. I think I have extra in the garage, if you want me to send you some let me know.

yes that is it. What is the secret- reverse order will not work- used a diegrinder to remove the old rusted one


I did have to rework the new one to fit and also removed some original flooring for it to fit. If you are installing what you took out maybe loosen up the screws for the pedal and the bracket on the back, maybe they are warping it? Just a long shot...


Lou you should be able to just start all the screws and then tighten them. I believe you have to go underneath afterwards to hook up the gas pedal. What issues are you having?


Lou..are you saying you have th original bolts/screws broken off in the remaining floorpan this attaches too...if they are clean breakes and you have enough material on the underside to grasp with vice grips you can probably heat them with a torch to cherry red..let cool about 50% and then turn them on through. If you are not able to do this you may have to settle for drill tem out..if this is the option you wish to pursue..let me now..I have a bunch of 1/4-20 j-nuts that should be up to the task..

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