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OT Help/Ideas With Quad Problems OT

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Hi all, about a month or so back, my Wife ordered my Son a small Chinese quad on-line, not a whole lot of money but enogh when you cannot use it.

It isa 110 cc mini hummer quad, fully automatic trans, engine is a Honda clone.

We got it after like 2 weeks UPS kept screwing up the delivery, and damged the box no big deal.

The quad starts(electric start), runs well, and i installed an NGK plug, good 10w40 oil.

The problem is this, the rear axle assembly fried it's bearing and bushing in a couple of days.

The company sent me a replacment, a short axle set-up, but still installs, I had some difficulty installing it.

This rear axle assembly started to fry in about an hour, the bearing race/retainer from the right side started to come apart.

Again this company is sednign me another rear axle assembly.

Does anyone have any ide what is happening here/

Any suggetion,opimiom welcomed, I know it is chines and should not have been bought, but it's a little late now.

I am wondering if new bearing, could be cutomfitted on the original axle asssembly, will post pics right away.......Thanx Fred and Jordan, my 8YO son





Edited by Rockwood

Is it me or the picture but from here it doesn't look like the chain is straight. Yea throw thise Chinese bearings away and get you some good Mexican ones. Probably just junk steel used inthe brearings. But when you get it reassembled, makd sure the axle is square to the engine and the chain is running true.


Hi Greg, thanx for the input, the chain looks like this in the pic.

I hope I can replace the bearings and fix this axles up.......Fred

Fred..are these sealed bearings..I cannot really see in the pictures..or do these have a external grease seal on the carrier? If sealed bearings, are they sealed both side?

Tim ,they are sealed bearing, and not very good ones either.

I fried the bearings on the rright side. Not sure if this is a resultof lusy parts or the axle was out of alignment with the sprockets or what.

I bought new bearings and seals, but cannot get them on, they will have to be pressed on. I am out of luck for the weekend......Fred


I actually feel a little silly having posted this thread, should not ask these type of questions on this board.

This is what I had to do in order to get this quad back up and driving, so my Little Boy could drive her some today.

I pulled the replacement axle that I recieved yesterday, 1 bearing was fried, I mean chewed up, with some of the ball bearings split in 1/2.

I then proceeded to dismantle this axle assembly, I had bought new bearings and seals this morning from a local bearing shop.

Once I got it all apart, I cleaned up the axle and housing, and proceeded to install the bearings, spacer, it was not easy, with no press, and only a vice and some improvised tools, the bearing were very tight to go over the axle to where they sit, and then the axle and bearings must be press into the housing, not very much fun.

I could not get the bearings to slide into the housing on both ends,as much as needed, but close enough to work, maybe temporary but is working tonight, and did not get all chewed up, and so no signs of moving.

I also intalled another set of swing arm bushing, as 1 was wasted already, great Chinese quality, 1 side came off easily, and the other side was a nightmare, but I did get them installed.

My Son drove the quad all over for hours, the tube spacers that cover the axle, to keep the hubs in place are a little sloppy, so I am thinking of pulling the spacers, and using shaft collars, with set-screws.

I just backed off the throttle governor, and took it for a boot, this thing is fast, goes about 40 mph or so. I keep it governed to about 15 to 20 mph for my son, he seems to be able to handle it well so far.

Again, sorry for the novel, should not be taking up sapce on here with this kinda stuff, but I usually get good advice on here for many things besides Old Mopars.......Yhanx Fred


Make sure you guys are wearing helmets when ever you get on one of those things!!! Even at 15 or 20, a fall on a hard spot is gonna leave a mark....

You could have put the housing inthe oven, Or the bar b q if your wife is squimish about car parts int he kitchen, and the bearing assemblies in the freezer. Saves a lot of whacking and squeezing sometimes. Just get the recieving deal about 200 or 250, and the bearings at 0 (F) and they sometimes will drop right in.

Make sure you guys are wearing helmets when ever you get on one of those things!!! Even at 15 or 20, a fall on a hard spot is gonna leave a mark....

You could have put the housing inthe oven, Or the bar b q if your wife is squimish about car parts int he kitchen, and the bearing assemblies in the freezer. Saves a lot of whacking and squeezing sometimes. Just get the recieving deal about 200 or 250, and the bearings at 0 (F) and they sometimes will drop right in.

Hi Greg, yes the wee lad wheres a helmet, and I do sometime to, but don't ride this thing much. Just some test drives. I wonder how long these bearings will last. I hope to get the correct axle assembly in about 3 weeks, may take it in and have better quality bearings installed before I attempt to use it. That is why this little quad was so cheap, as it is not the greatest quality, and is definately not for those unmechanical types......Fred


Just so you don't feel alone, I'm going through some of the same stuff with a Chinese off road go kart. Cheap crap that fails all the time. Been waiting for a master cylinder for months. Chinese and American govt bereaucrats have the parts situation all screwed up. But, hey- it was cheap!!!

Just so you don't feel alone, I'm going through some of the same stuff with a Chinese off road go kart. Cheap crap that fails all the time. Been waiting for a master cylinder for months. Chinese and American govt bereaucrats have the parts situation all screwed up. But, hey- it was cheap!!!

I think in some cases the Chinese power products may not be too bad, in others they are real crap.

If you own one of these items, it may be best to modify, or use aftermarket parts that may work from other sources.

On your MC, can some ohter part say from Honda work.

I am actually going to have my first axle asembly rebuilt in the mechanics shop at work using quality bearings, and hopefully will solve that issue....Fred


Here's the kids, My Dauhter is riding a toy electric quad, goes about as fast as you can walk, other wise whe woul have her helmet on, which she does most of the time. My Son is outfitted, he just about rolled this thing today, not too fast, but did take it off him for the day





Amen to the helmets!!!! The kids started to take off with no helmets with the kart. The wife (Gramma) saw them and lit into them and made 'em put on the helmets. About 5 minutes later they rolled it 2 1/4 times at full bore (natch) and my grand daughter got barked up pretty bad. She was on the right side which ended up being the down hill side. Nothing serious- just some bad road rash and scared the pee water out of them both! As for the kart, it crushed the roll cage. It worked just enough to do its job, but it's done. Come to find out, under all that foam padding all the joints were bolted together with about 5/16" bolts! Plus it is some very thinwall tubing. El cheapo, again. I was very proud of my grandson, as it is his kart, and he didn't get mad at his sister. He was just glad she is OK. Disappointed some, but otherwise good with it. So, now Pop has another project.


Hi Guys, On Tuesday after the Labor Day Weekend, I go yet another rear axle assembly shipped to me, it was flawed, and had damage on the same axle end, as did the other. I could hardly turn the axle in it's housing, the bearings were not seated in the housing correctly.

I took the axle assembly to work, in the machine shop, I had a Mechanic take it aprt, he cleaned up the housing, installed another set of bearings (RBLs), and reassembled correctly.

This morning notice, axle shaft was in houising, in the wrong position, had to go toa local machine shop, the machinist corrected the problem, basically pulling it apart, and changing the axle direction.

Got home installed, and it works well.

I still will be getting another axle assembly, as this 1 is not the correct wheel width, although it fits.

When I get the correct assembly, will have machinsit remove the Chines bearings, and will intall a double set of bearings on each end instead of just 1 set on each end. I will use Timken or NTN bearings, should be better than RBL bearings.

The point of this post is to show that chines parts and their quality control, will sur vary, from poor to very good.

Here are some pics of the axle, that I received this week.




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