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Alignment Woes


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Well, I hope he's had the chance to work on it. He's a one man shop. I've seen a tool like that in his shop and ironically a foot or two way from my car. And he definitely said it is -3 degrees on both wheels.

I'll let you know what I find out today.


Well one good thing is that it's not far off. I bet he gets it worked out soon for you. The main thing in the end will be how the car drives for you.


Edited by JoelOkie
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I was looking thru this thread just now.......noticed there appears to be

airbags inside the front coil springs. Could this have any influence

on the alignment matter? (Change the way the weight is distributed, or

anything else?)

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I was looking thru this thread just now.......noticed there appears to be

airbags inside the front coil springs. Could this have any influence

on the alignment matter? (Change the way the weight is distributed, or

anything else?)

Good observation there Bob. I don't have any experience with airbags at all, but you could be on to something in that they could have done something that affected the caster at that same time. Joel Edited by JoelOkie
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Visited the car and mechanic today. He didn't get the chance to work on it over the last couple of days. I drove her today and yes I could notice that there was a need to correct the steering a couple of times. As far as the airbags, I think he is taking them into consideration. He also said that my springs are definitely older and may need to be replaced at some time. He hasn't given up and in fact was looking through the Service Manual last night.

I'll update you folks if something changes.

Thanks again guys,



On a strange OT side note, in driving her today and the last time I noticed one thing. When it felt like I was in first, while accelerating, it felt as though I wasn't fully engaged in the gear. This is just me getting used to the the car and shifting. It is strange to me that sometimes it engages in first...and often it feels like it is struggling to engage the gear. Weird.



Edited by fedoragent
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could be the clutch slipping a bit, hard to tell in first. find a moderate grade, start out at the bottom in 3rd gear and then go to wide open throttle. If the engine gains rpms out of proportion to road speed, then your clutch probably needs to be adjusted. Shortening the rod from the clutch pedal to the throw out fork will allow more pressure between the clamping plate and the friction disc.

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could be the clutch slipping a bit, hard to tell in first. find a moderate grade, start out at the bottom in 3rd gear and then go to wide open throttle. If the engine gains rpms out of proportion to road speed, then your clutch probably needs to be adjusted. Shortening the rod from the clutch pedal to the throw out fork will allow more pressure between the clamping plate and the friction disc.

I drove her home yesterday and it was DEFINITELY a treat. However, I'm convinced due to the same problem that I spoke of, and some hard shifting into 1st or 3rd that she needs a clutch adjustment. I just don't have the tools nor the garage to do so...so you'll see a posting from me soon.



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Sure enough, the car had to have been in an accident. The frame on the drivers side has a huge bump on the top of the frame as though the car was dropped on a boulder. It may have bottomed out, but it is only on one side of the car. Therefore, there was nothing that could be done with the alignment. I'm dreading the frame shop as I've never had anything done at a frame shop and scared at the financial repercussions. I'm hoping that it won't cost me into the thousands to get the d*mn thing fixed. The previous owner had no idea about the damage either.


P.S. I drove her quite a bit yesterday and got her up to 55. She wasn't squirrely or hard to steer. In fact she was a delight. I am however, afraid to take her on the freeway. What do you folks think? Would that be a problem with the alignment off?

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FG my car was basically totaled when I hit an f150 square in the rear axle. The frame at the front where the bumper attached was bent 90° over on both sides. $450 later it is perfectly straight. Now in CA that might cost more then here in MN but I wouldn't think its a deal breaker.

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If the previous owner was unaware of the damege, and it doesn't cause driving problems, and it isn't a safety issue, why let it be a concern???? Just drive it as it is and replace the tries as necessary.

Unless it causes the car to be undriveable, I would let it be.

A modern frame machine might be able to pull it back into spec without too much problem if it is a safety concern.

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If the previous owner was unaware of the damege, and it doesn't cause driving problems, and it isn't a safety issue, why let it be a concern???? Just drive it as it is and replace the tries as necessary.

Unless it causes the car to be undriveable, I would let it be.

A modern frame machine might be able to pull it back into spec without too much problem if it is a safety concern.


I've never taken it over 55 and never on a freeway. I guess I'll have to try it. However, I'll also have to have the steering adjusted because it's hard to turn the steering wheel. My turn radius is also atrocious. I think that I'll have the steering box checked and adjusted. And while I'm at it, lubed of course.

As far as the frame shop, I'll need one that knows these cars. Or do you think a modern frame shop would be able to handle it. Sorry for the stupid questions folks, I just have to ask.



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