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How many of you on here have converted the column shift to the floor (for the 3 speed manual)? Was it worth it? Would you do it again? How did you do it? Just thinking that while my engine & gearbox is out it would be a good time to look at it.



no one makes a floor shifter for our selector style gear boxes. mr gasket made one in the 50's and 60's. So you wold need to go swap meeting or look on ebay for one specific to our trannys. Or if your clever you can make something the works. Some one posted pics of one they modified a while back.


That would be me.

Built this a couple years ago.

Would have to revisit it to explain it but its possible.

Seems to work fine on the bench.





As a 17 year-old I thought It would be cool to have a floor shift in my $75 car. I was abel to buy one from my local parts store. Not being very experience, nor having the proper tools or guidance I did the best I could. First the gear shift barely came up the seat. The throw was so long when shifting into third (first and third went forward) I could barely see out of the windshield. Now I'm sure the throw could have been shorten. I cut a big rectangle ou the floor with a hacksaw from the edge of the floor pan.

Twenty five year later I bought an entire parts car to replace all the parts to include the walnut steering wheel. Keep your three on the tree.


If you could find a 3 speed from a truck of the similar vintage or from an earlier car I think it would just about bolt right in. Might have to lengthen the drive shaft though.

Here's a truck box from the late 40's early 50's.


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