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new owner of 41 street rod coupe!!

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not the best..but looks like lotsof fun and a few bucks!!

mucho thanks to dairyland member ken bartz for hauling my butt 500 miles to pick it up. they dont come any better than a good friend!!

the car.....lots of trivial stuff..good winter and spring projects..1979 dodge 360 auto and rear end. shakes a little and a bear to start...

need answers for power disc brakes.???..no room under floor for vac unit..???




Claybill, I have my power brake master cylinder and booster under my floor board in my 50 Plymouth. I don't remember the name of the maker, I will try to find it for you if you are interested. It comes with a new pedal and all, a bit pricy, but I thought it was worth it. Tony C


hanging brake pedal.??? right now it has the stock pedal but moved a bit out of the way to allow for the traqns.??etc. the master cyl IS mounted on the frame..the X frame configuration seems to hamper an easier installation.

i saw the under floor mount brake system in ebay stores, inc pedal...it looks real nice, complete for $175 or so...

it will be later when i get around to it..right now i am dealinng with some rust on floors..i am using pickup bed paqint..rubberixed..works good for paiinting underside of fenders too.!!!




kai...how's your weather???

but i dont have power steering...

i have spent the morning under this car..i kind of like it more each hour... more spots to fix..!

i probably will have to do a trick with the underfloor power/disc setup....it makes most sense with regard to the steering column location...

the lower steering column is rubbiing against the v8 ex manifold....shakes and rattles a bit!! shimmed up the motor a bit and now i have a 3/8 space..ok.

41's are the best ply made!!!

gotta do the whole front end thing. i have shok relocation made...need the disc setup....i suppose charlies is the best..if he is not mad at me anymore!!!






The weather is nice. 85 degrees and 66 at night. Got to love Mexico, taxes are great, weather is great, but it is hard as hell to get parts. I only make one trip every three months to Texas for my prescriptions and get stuff I ordered at my mail box in Brownsville.

Working like mad to get ready for our Jan, Feb vacation. Going to pull my "new" 64 little short trailer with the 49. Should be a great trip to the West coast of Mexico, just about two hours south of Mazatlan. When you get a trailer for next to nothing, you can imagine the work necessary. Kind of like a really great price on a car.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


  • 3 months later...

chrome glove box doors was stock i guess.....they painted over half of it with woodgrain....i have 3 on the shelf and they are chromed...not too sure about all of them tho..



bill you can get block huger headers from sanderson i believe,,,google it see who else makes them,,,,but may be easier to cut or grind away depending where in the column its rubbing>????? housing or inner shaft???

as for power brake,,master power has an under floor kit,,and since you dont have an under floor battery its an easy install,,uses a small booster,,after you switch that GIANT cam out,,,some pics down in the engine bay when you get time,,,DON


Bill, around here there is a mad rush to get the street rods finished and upgraded for a upcoming show. I have been down at my garage until 9:00 at night. Folks are doing all kinds of things to get ready. I have a partner that needed his heater core put in his 56 Buick. I work on that monday because I owed him a favor. I removed my whole front from my car to install a laser cut grill. The headlight buckets were removed as well. My hood still is not back from the painter as I wanted to install hood emblem and ornament. It's been a mad house. I think by next week it will all be over.

replacing all the painted parts with chrome parts is the hardest job. I even replaced the painted trunk hinges.


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