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I've found lots of things at swap meets. Over time.

Sometimes flea markets have auto items. Sometimes at

a garage sale. Just gotta look wherever you are.

I happen to like period accessories and use some on

the car. Have others just sitting around.


Don't remember where or when I got this light. Have another about

like it for the trunk. Probably should really be on the hood brace.



Here's one for free all you haft to do is down load it to your printer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interesting to display in your front window. Jon


Here's one for free all you haft to do is down load it to your printer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interesting to display in your front window. Jon


I am pretty sure that I have seen various sources indicating that the national war time speed limit was 35. So a "victory speed 40" sticker seems like a anachronism to me.



By His Excellency




WHEREAS, the special committee appointed by the President of the United States

on August 6, 1942, to investigate the rubber situation and to report thereon, with its recom-

mendations, has found the existing situation to be so dengerous that unless corrective meas-

ures are taken immediately this country will face both a military and civilian collapse; has

determined that it is necessary to safeguard jealously every ounce of rubber in the country

as part of a program of the maintenance of a rubber reserve that will keep our armed forces

fighting and our essential civilian wheels turning; and has recommended as one of the meas-

ures necessary to safeguard the rubber supply that no speed above thirty-five miles an hour

be permitted for passenger cars and trucks:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Leverett Saltonstall, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massa-

chusetts, acting under the provisions of Acts of 1941, chapter 719, section 7, Acts of 1942,

chapter 13, section 2(3), (5), and section 3, and all other authority vested in me, do hereby

issue this order as a measure necessary and expedient for meeting the supreme emergency of

the existing state of war between the United States and any foreign country.

Paragraph 1 of Executive Order No. 8, promulgated March 16, 1942, is hereby amended

by striking out the word "forty" and inserting in place thereof the word "thirty-five," so as

to read as follows: -- 1. No person shall operate any motor vehicle on any public way within

the Commonwealth at a rate of speed in excess of thirty-five miles per hour, except as provided

in General Laws (Ter. Ed.) chapter 89, section 7B, inserted by Acts of 1934, chapter 382.

GIVEN at the Executive Chamber in Boston, this eleventh day of Sep-

tember, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-

two, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the

one hundred and sixty-seventh.

By His Excellency the Governor,



Secretary of the Commonwealth

Don' date='

Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the exec order 35?

My email address is [email']p10bob@warwick.net[/email]



Google it. I found it on the web, coppied and pasted it then closed the window.

Where do i find vintage mopar acessories? I am looking for an under the hood and trunk lamps. Anyone sell these NOS or reman? Ebay is the obvious answer, but who else


I have this one listed on The Bay right now.


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