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Everything posted by D25_Steve

  1. I couldn't imagine having to have all those maps, find the right one, keep them updated (streets change, construction closes roads, etc), find the right part of the map, not to mention folding the bloody thing back up. Maps.google.com works perfectly for me.
  2. ^ I'm guessing Saskatchewan from the plate.
  3. You bought the car to add it to your collection, so it must be in reasonable shape... so why part it out?
  4. They wanted $3000 USD to chrome my grill. I got a nicer looking grill for $50, which will have to do for now!
  5. I couldn't believe that I managed to get a D25 grill off ebay for $50! In better condition than the one on the car too.
  6. Yup, two separate bikes. Look at the legs, and their angles. Also, is that a radiator under the rib cage on the thumbnailed pic? What kind of engine is that?
  7. Nope Brendan, you didn't leave out a zero. I was thinking that one of the zeros might not have mattered though. Our D25 is 4020, and I was thinking it may have been an Ornico green. Canadian Vehicles apparently are the only ones with paint codes on the firewalls. If we get the other D25 owners to post their paint codes, perhaps eventually we'll be able to figure something out. Who knows.
  8. Adding to the mystery. Thanks for the info on your firewall colour, I am trying to see if I can decifer them. I was sort of leaning towards one hypothesis, but that would have made your car pilot green (see DAL-40012 DQE).
  9. Its not a P15, but close enough!
  10. What is the paint code on the firewall? (and do you know the original colour?) What is your sun visor made of? Our 2 D25s have both had the antenna on the opposite side, so like P15s it must have varied.
  11. It is considered the most haunted city in British Columbia and the Northwest. The most well known haunting is by Doris Gravelin. She was strangled in September 1936 by her husband Victor, and dragged across the seventh fairway of the seaside Victoria Golf Course, and hidden under a pile of logs on the beach. Her body was later found, and Victor's body washed up 3 weeks later with Doris' shoes still in his coat pocket. According to local legend, she is only seen by young couples, who afterwards will never marry. Others claim to see a gliding white figure on the 7th fairway near the beach, twinkling lights, or a pulsating globe of light. The 7th fairway is also right next to Dallas Rd, and motorists often claim to see the lights. The city's old burying ground used from 1855 - 1873 and still containing 1,000 bodies is supposedly haunted by 2 ghosts. Bastion Square in the heart of Victoria's Old Town is the most haunted part of town. Almost every building around the historic square has a ghost or two. The Maritime Museum of British Columbia is located in the old Supreme Court building is said to be the most haunted of them all due to the fact is was built on the site of the city's first gallows and many of the men who were publicly hanged still lie buried beneath its foundations.
  12. For the record, I stay south of the 49th As for other canucks on here, I've given several the address, but I've never noticed any show up. There are at least 5 D25s in Victoria that I know of. I haven't seen any D25s in Toronto, but I did see a 49 Plymouth last year, and gave the address to the owner.
  13. That chopped and dropped pilot house looks great.
  14. Hey now! Just because we're from the west coast doesn't mean we're candy a**es Oh, and the weather can get cold and snowy out west too. Maybe not -30 cold, but 2.5 to 3 feet of snow fell overnight in parts of BC on friday night.
  15. Definitely too long. I don't know if one for the 235-262 is as long. The one for the 208 is around 28 inches long. The water distribution tube also enters at 90 degrees compared to a mopar head.
  16. Fred, I'm pretty sure threads with new posts will be at the top of the list of topics. Also the icons to the left of the thread title indicate something about whether you have read the thread, if there have been new posts since you've read the thread, etc. For example means that I've replied to the topic Also, you can click on "new posts" at the top of the forum, and it will show the latests posts on the board
  17. Ed, It looks best with the flash. To use no flash, you would need a bit longer of an exposure time, and a tripod or other stable surface so that the camera doesn't move (thats why the flash picture looks more crisp). Steve
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