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Everything posted by D25_Steve

  1. So if Cerebrus owns 51% of GMAC, and 80% of Chrysler, does that mean that GMC and Chrysler are now one?
  2. Ok then. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it next monday, but I try to make it up there when I can because its not too far from me. I saw quite a few nice Ford PUs last year. A yellow one (DC Heet) running low on the front with a tilt front end, a black 56 with purple accents and a maroon one with YOM plates (53).
  3. Maroon one?
  4. That is absolutely gorgeous.
  5. Suddensix - Victoria Day is around the corner, and with that comes the Thornhill Monday Night Cruise-ins. I don't have a car on this part of the country, but I hope to drop by a couple of the cruise ins anyway. Haven't seen a P15, D24, or D25 there, but I have seen a couple of early 50s mopars last year. Perhaps I'll see you there this year! http://www.thornhillcruisers.com/
  6. Well, Trixie has been sitting for a few months - I think when I start her up in July, I will have to give some water down the carb! Thanks guys for the information, I would have never thought of it.
  7. Our D25 is running an Ellis intake.
  8. I think its hard to know until you put a little time into the engine and see if you can get it to run. It doesn't necessarily need to be rebuilt. Since you're in AZ, you don't have to worry about the metal much. So whats left? Paint and interior. If you're not planning on restoring it, you can get a decent driver paint job at Maaco, or even try the Rustoleum foam roller job for cheap. I don't know much about the interior, but some people on here have done their own. So, again - it comes down to the engine and whether you can get it to run, and what shape you want this car to be in once it is a driver.
  9. Gorgeous and rare. RHD D25 Convertible, I can't imagine many were produced.
  10. Very neet find - I'd keep the paint scheme for sure.
  11. Are we talking Plymouth, or Dodge? I'm assuming you have seen the car. If you look at my profile, you will se a '48 2 door sedan special deluxe Dodge D25. The Plymouth of the same year looks the same. There were also club coupe and business coupe models. These likely extended to the beginning of '49. I have attached pictures of what I believe are '49 Plymouth 2 doors. One is a business coupe, the other a sedan. Canadian Dodges would have shared the same body as these - however you may have an American Dodge, in Canada.
  12. Hi Suddensix, I'm also in Toronto[steeles] (but not for long, I hope to be out west within 3 months). Do you have any pictures of your car online? Is your Car Canadian or American? I'm assuming American because of the Edgy head?
  13. Can only get to 53/55, usually only 49.
  14. Yes, unfortunately because the US changed their DST, Canada reluctantly agreed to do the same, to stop cross-border confusion.
  15. Thanks Allan
  16. As far as I know, it doesn't publish your email.
  17. I have heard that D24s were available in Canada as well. I remember hearing from someone who had a D24 and said it had a Dodge Division of Canada assembly plate on it.
  18. I know of a VW auto yard out in BC that has good service, moderately good prices. I think it was called Bow-Wow, but I could be wrong.
  19. How bad is a backfire through the carb as a symptom? It is something that I wanted to get figured out, but not something I thought I needed to do before driving it more.
  20. From the owner: "The car is really being sold for parts or someone who has good knowledge on how to restore a vintage car. There are no holes and frame and more is in tact and decent considering it is a 58 year old car! I've attached more photos and if you're interested the car is in North York and you can see it. I do have other interest though so let me know either way. Thanks, Nick"
  21. Very doubtful. It would be much easier to put a P15 hood ornament on a D25, then it would to get Dodge hubcabs, D25 grill, D25 emblem, etc to put onto a P15.
  22. It is in North York, Ontario. If I get more pictures from the seller, I will post them here.
  23. Very close to me if anyone is interested, going for $500 or so right now. Note the P15 hood ornament.
  24. Does that have the 308?
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