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Everything posted by JerseyHarold

  1. So I'm on vacation in Florida and still looking at Plymouth ads.....what's wrong with this picture? Anyway........ http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/car/734440527.html
  2. Interesting that you posted this. We're in Florida on vacation right now and plan on going to the Kissimmee Cruise tomorrow evening. Should be fun. We were here a couple of times back in the nineties and there were a lot of nice cars. It will be interesting to see how the cruise has evolved since then. Harold
  3. What dog in his right mind would allow himself to be confined in that thing???
  4. .....and I've seen some strange ones...check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth-Plymouth-Unique-Collector-Muffler-Car_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6387QQihZ012QQitemZ220249394101QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  5. Even though I'm opposed to radical changes to 1951 and 1952 Plymouths, my most beloved cars, I have to say yours looks great!
  6. Check out their website: http://www.theaircar.com/acf/
  7. What a bummer! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  8. Great looking car! Can you post a 'before' photo?
  9. Austin Atlantic.
  10. My cousin has always wanted an Isetta. I found him a few inexpensive ones years ago, but he never took the plunge. Now the prices are out of sight.
  11. Good point. I was using NY/NJ numbers. In the mid-sixties, an average car was $3000. and a house was $30,000. Now it's something like $25,000. vs. $250,000.
  12. I discovered a fairly consistent ratio of approximately 10:1 between the cost of a new house and a new car. Plug-in some numbers from the fities, sixties, and today and you'll see what I mean.
  13. Lovely New Jersey also requires an attendant to pump gas. No self-serve here!
  14. I've seen a few of them here in New Jersey, incuding a couple of them in heavy rush hour traffic on Route 9. They remind me of washing machines on wheels. You couldn't pay me enough money to drive or own one. Harold
  15. yow!!!!!
  16. A guy down the road (as in, walking distance) from me restored an Amphicar a few years ago. Looked nice in turquoise. He has a few old cars (including a chop-top '57 DeSoto that was in LeRoi Tex Smith's Mopar book back in the '90's) but I haven't seen the Amphi lately so maybe it got sold.
  17. Ed, Craigslist is like a candy store and you have to stop before you get cavities! Harold
  18. I agree there's probably a lot of bondo lurking under that repaint. At least someone in the past took enough interest in the car to do whatever bodywork they did. The 49-52 were the first non-running board bodies and I guess they had to work out some kinks in the rocker panel design.
  19. It's about 20 miles from me, and if I didn't have my other cars I'd take a look. http://cnj.craigslist.org/car/694954532.html
  20. DEADMAN, Funny you mention the old-car smell. The first thing I noticed when I opened the door of my Cambridge was that it smelled like our original car!
  21. The first car I ever rode in was my father's 1952 Plymouth Cambridge (I came home from the hospital in it). It was a black four-door sedan. We kept it until 1965 when we got a new '65 Dodge Coronet. I had a lot of good memories of the car, was sad to see it go, and promised myself I'd get another one someday. On the same day (literally!) I got my '51 Business Coupe, I saw an ad for a '52 Plymouth 4-door. I called the seller right away and asked what model it was, and he said 'It's the cheap one...a Cambridge...and it's black'. I wanted to go see it that night, but he said not until 8:30 the next morning. I was there at 7:30 and bought the car on the spot. That was in 1988 and I still have both cars. They need a lot of work but just knowing they're in the garage makes me happy.
  22. It seems to me that 'lower end' old car prices are coming down. I'm seeing a lot more cars in the classifieds and online that I'd actually consider at the price compared to the past few years. (The high-buck stuff is another story.) Anyone care to share their thoughts?
  23. Seatbelts became mandatory around 1964-65. Some makes offered them earlier as options.
  24. There's a Plymouth locomotive in the New Jersey railroad museum not too far from me.
  25. I'm always amazed by the stuff people put on Craigslist. And every once in a while, I'm the one puttng some amazing stuff on there!
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