Sept. 1:
I’m behind on wood this year, so I need to get busy. We have a wood boiler, and love to keep our house at 75 degrees during the winter months. Anyway, I put the Ecodiesel to work today hauling wood. I don’t have a trailer, so a friend let me borrow his. It’s a 16 footer, tandem axle. It’s quite heavy on its own. He had some logs on his property that we cut up together and loaded. Used 4wd getting out of his steep hayfield with the loaded trailer. I’m happy to say the Ecodiesel pulled the load (we estimated two 8 foot pickup boxes of wet wood loaded) with no problem. It’s 40 miles between his place and mine, and half that is winding hills that put my truck to the test. I lugged up hills no problem at 2k rpm (max torque range) and the truck shifted at about 3,200 rpm between the first 3 gears from a dead stop (3,200 is the rpm for max hp-about 240). I don’t believe I ever went over about 2/3 pedal. I averaged about 16mpg loaded and 18.5 unloaded. 26.5 with no trailer after I took it back and dropped it off. It was fun; I’ve never pulled a trailer before of any kind. Also, it felt good to get a start on this wood and stack it all in the shed.