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Everything posted by Worden18

  1. Jan 10: - Got the choke cable working. Just needed some lube. Also got the emergency brake working. Tension was good. Just needed lube as well, including the release button on the handle. -Pic: I'll assume the external latch on the glove box is not factory.
  2. I scraped off the gunk and discovered a 4 and 3; 4.30 it is! I never would have known that was there if you wouldn't have posted that. Thank you!
  3. Yesterday when I shut the switch off mid wipe and it finished the cycle before it stopped.
  4. For some things maybe. I've been noticing a number of things that aren't right. Like rear bumper, driver's mirror, ignition switch (2 of them), interior coverings, etc.
  5. I tried mine yesterday. They work, and off is the up position. Interesting topic.?
  6. I bought some literature featuring the 48's (eBay) a couple of weeks ago, just because I love this stuff. This particular brochure is huge when unfolded all of the way. I didn't measure it but its at least 18" square. Anyway, my camera's flash washed out one of the pics. There's no fading, the colors are bright and crisp. Anyone else have this brochure? I wonder if these were on hand at dealerships BITD?
  7. Couple more pics for you guys. I like how it says Made in USA on the D!
  8. Jan. 9, 2019: 2:15 pm It's running fellas! Fresh points and a squirt of gas and it fired right up! I'll get the video up later.
  9. I wondered that as well but had no idea how to find out. I will check that today. Thanks for that info. ?
  10. Okay, thanks ?
  11. -The 2 knobs right of the ignition switch both say choke. What are they supposed to be?
  12. Also an option maybe? I need to carry Don Bunn's book on my person...?
  13. I took off the coil wire off yesterday.? Not familiar with the head bolt heater. Interested to learn more about it. I'll see if my manual covers it.
  14. -Engine bay looks typical for 70+ years of age.? -I'm starting to think the original color was blue, not black. It's hard to tell. I can't recall without pulling out my copy of Don Bunn's book, but I thought blue was an option too. I'll check on that later unless someone can confirm now. There's no tag on the firewall; is there supposed to be?
  15. -Here's the door pillar tag. -And once again, not sure if the arm rest is original, but I know it was an option. Kinda cool.
  16. -Does anyone have a pic of what the rear bumper is supposed to look like? -Also, I know total truck production for 1948 was 299,900. How about numbers for this particular truck? Anyone know?
  17. One more pic for you guys. ?
  18. Okay, and thanks for that link. Interesting....
  19. Thanks Merle. I'm really looking forward to working on it and posting the stories as I go!
  20. Not sure....but I will check tomorrow and post it.
  21. I'm sure you are one hundred percent correct. And that shows how much I know. I did see the black under the red, and with my vast knowledge surely mistook it for primer. Thanks for that info. Does the tag on the firewall say what color it originally was? I had totally forgotten to look at that tag, if it is even there.
  22. As far as I can tell it doesn't look like the engine has ever been touched. A lot of the extra parts are tagged, which is nice. I can't be sure if any of them actually came off this truck. There's even a few pistons in the lot.
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