Last Minute Clements Repairs. I enjoyed the thought of not needing to prepare for the trip, just hop in the P-15 Plymouth and drive up Saturday morning. After all, except for some recent rough idling, it had been running all winter without needing attention. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." But it did not work out that way. Monday it started idling really rough, missing, and nearly stalling at the stop lights. It had a history of vacuum leaks in to past so I turned my attention to the carb and intake manifold gaskets. Got lucky. Today I used a kit and rebuilt the two barrel carb (Dodge 318 V8.) Now it has a smooth idle again. I count myself lucky two ways. One, it went south early in the week which gave me time to do repairs. Two, I fixed the right thing and did not chase ignition or fuel delivery systems. Now all I have to do is wash the car and drive up, right? What could possibly go wrong?