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dpollo last won the day on February 14 2020

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760 Excellent


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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver Island BC
  • Interests
    Chrysler products, farm machinery, off grid power
  • My Project Cars
    in process 52 Dodge convertible . Finished : 35 Ply. coupe, 40 Ply. coupe 50 Ply sedan, 51 Ply Convertible 52 Fargo half ton , 28 Chrys roadster

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  • Biography
    have never been without a Plymouth or Dodge six since 1956
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  • Location
    Vancouver Island BC Canada
  • Interests
    Old Farm machinery, Off grid power, Chrysler's products

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  1. I use the Chrysler , Desoto and Big Dodge wheels, 15 by 5 1/2 . USA Dodge have a different offset and are ok if you have a matched set.
  2. As others have correctly pointed out, there is a "frost" plug behind the bell housing. 1 5/8, usually brass. The bad news is that the bell housing must also be removed. Good news is that the plug cannot fall out completely because the bell housing holds it in. The only practical way to properly change this plug is to remove the engine. Been there, done that.
  3. On Canadian built cars, the prefix was P15S for Deluxe and P15C for SpecialDeluxe. no stars were used and the Canadian engines were 25 inches along the cylinder head. 3 3/8 bore, 4 1/16 stroke for 218 cubic inches.
  4. I would not normally recommend this BUT it will do no further harm to hone and reassemble the cylinder with the score. If, as my experience has proven, the engine runs well then it will likely give good service.
  5. I enjoyed a correspondence with Knuckleharley. Even sold him some parts ! Purchased and read the book mentioned above. RIP, Arthur.
  6. your second disc looks useable. Oil is coming from somewhere other than the rear seal. Could it be from the gallery plug ? re mount the flywheel and run the engine. Also, pull the front bearing retainer from the trans and make sure the drain back hole is not blocked by the gasket. you are welcome to contact me via email, anytime.
  7. If you are doing a restoration, then a competent rebuild on your 201 is what is called for. The later crankshafts will not fit. Valves are slightly smaller too. Power is modest but adequate. Mill the head about '060 for more compression and if possible, use a 218 manifold and carb.
  8. I concur with what has been posted , I have driven these cars since I was a teenager (1960s) and have logged a lot of highway miles. Any of the engines combined with a Warner R10 overdrive and a 3.9 to 1 rear end will take you where you want to go at highway speeds. My favourite combination is a 228 , (4 1/4 stroke) Warner OD (.7 ratio) 3.9 rear and P205 R 15 tires) In the early days I discovered 11 inch brakes from a Desoto or a Chrysler Royal eliminated fading .
  9. It will be fine up to 56 except for 12 volt solenoid. 57 and later R10J is different in several ways including the 3 speed shifter mechanism
  10. Straight ahead and straight up and down
  11. do not remember, but I always check the grooves for depth.
  12. I have used this Chrysler Corp brand with satisfactory results.
  13. If you can, push the car and start it in second gear.
  14. Thanks for working that out for me. I reckon it is good value for not having to endure his company.
  15. That is the state of our hobby. I have often said that there are none of my collected parts that I would not GIVE to the right party, but none are for sale to the wrong party. Especially those who don't pay up on an IOU. As most of you know, I am a Farmer and for a long time, I was a school teacher , and this former colleague still owes me a dollar for a dozen eggs dating back to 1978. Best to all.
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